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It depends on the type of case, but often wealthier people do have an advantage. In civil cases, the poor are often completely unable to obtain the services of a lawyer, or are limited to less experienced lawyers.

More importantly, in order to prepare a case for trial, a litigant must do substantial investigation and preparation. A wealthy person may be able to hire investigators and experts to review the case, and hire jury consultants and other professionals to help prepare the trial, whereas a person of limited means would be limited to his or her own devises.

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Wealthier individuals may have an advantage in court due to their ability to afford higher-quality legal representation. They may have access to more resources and support, which can impact the outcome of a case. However, the legal system is designed to provide equal justice under the law, and there are also mechanisms in place to ensure representation for those who cannot afford it.

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Q: Do wealthier people have an advantage in court because they can afford more elite lawyers than the poor?
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What was one effect of landowners becoming wealthier?

One effect of landowners becoming wealthier was an increase in their political power and influence, as they could afford to invest in political campaigns and lobby for policies that favored their interests. Additionally, their increased wealth often led to more extravagant lifestyles and consumption patterns, further widening the gap between the wealthy landowners and the rest of society.

Does the state of Oregon provide free lawyers for people who cannot afford one?

In Oregon, there are programs such as Legal Aid Services of Oregon that offer free legal representation to low-income individuals in civil cases. Additionally, public defenders are provided to individuals who cannot afford a private attorney in criminal cases.

How much car can a lawyer afford from their salary?

The amount a lawyer can afford for a car will vary depending on factors such as their level of experience, location, expenses, and other financial obligations. Generally, a lawyer with a decent salary can afford a car that fits within 10-15% of their monthly income after considering other financial responsibilities. It is recommended to not spend more than what is financially feasible to avoid strain on other obligations.

How were wealthy men treated by the law in the 1920's?

Wealthy men in the 1920s were often treated more leniently by the law compared to the rest of society. They could afford high-priced lawyers who were skilled at navigating the legal system, resulting in privileged treatment and sometimes lighter sentences or even avoiding consequences altogether. This disparity in treatment highlighted the inequalities in the justice system based on one's socio-economic status.

Does the court need to appt a attorney when a defendant can not afford one and is a first time feloney offense?

In the United States, the court is required to appoint an attorney to represent a defendant who cannot afford one in a felony case, regardless of whether it is the defendant's first offense. This right to counsel is protected by the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

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Because, generally speaking, larger/wealthier/powerful opponents can afford more and possibly better legal help and they can over-burden the resouorces of a smaller opponent or law firm by incessant bombardment with legal motions and requests.

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The accused did not get lawyers because they couldn't afford them. There was no law that would get you a lawyer if you couldn't.

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Do defense lawyers ever work pro bono?

Yes, some defense lawyers work pro bono and that is because they need the practice, and some defense lawyers want to help out someone they think needs their help. Although most defense lawyers want a fee for their services, there are a few that do not. Plus, there are those court appointed lawyers that are chosen by the courts if you can not afford a lawyer.

Can people in Ethiopia go to school?

yes but not many of them can afford it because they have to pay for their education. It is a LEDC country which means it is a less economically developed country and these countries are usually found below the equator. So they do have schools in Ethiopia but not many can afford to send their children to a school. Only the wealthier people in Ethiopia can afford to send their child to a school. hope this helps! :)

How does Africa help the US?

Well, the U.S. helps Africa by helping children in need and we provide food for families but Africa can't afford to help the wealthier countries because Africa is a third world country. Well...Africa probably brings more culture into the U.S. But, they can't afford to help us.

Are the really free lawyers or is it just a scam?

Yes some lawyers will not charge you anything usnless they win. Plus if you can't afford a lawyer then they have to provide you one for free.

Do we get quality work from the free lawyers?

Attorneys generally do not work for "free." Criminal courts appoint lawyers paid by the taxpayers to represent the accused who cannot afford an attorney. These attorney are not "free," but the the client does not pay them directly. Regardless, an attorney is bound by his/her code of ethics to provide the best legal advice. Attorneys who do "pro bono" work do so for charities, non-profits and causes that ultimately benefit the greater good. These attorneys do an outstanding job for the clients. Yes, you can get quality work from the free lawyers. Free lawyers are offered to those who can't afford lawyers and these lawyers are trained just like the other ones.

What did the Romans buy with their coins?

The three things that the Romans bought with their money were the basics, food, clothing and shelter. The wealthier could afford to expand on their purchases either by more elaborate food, clothing and houses, or by the addition of decorative works, jewelry, and more property than their neighbors.The three things that the Romans bought with their money were the basics, food, clothing and shelter. The wealthier could afford to expand on their purchases either by more elaborate food, clothing and houses, or by the addition of decorative works, jewelry, and more property than their neighbors.The three things that the Romans bought with their money were the basics, food, clothing and shelter. The wealthier could afford to expand on their purchases either by more elaborate food, clothing and houses, or by the addition of decorative works, jewelry, and more property than their neighbors.The three things that the Romans bought with their money were the basics, food, clothing and shelter. The wealthier could afford to expand on their purchases either by more elaborate food, clothing and houses, or by the addition of decorative works, jewelry, and more property than their neighbors.The three things that the Romans bought with their money were the basics, food, clothing and shelter. The wealthier could afford to expand on their purchases either by more elaborate food, clothing and houses, or by the addition of decorative works, jewelry, and more property than their neighbors.The three things that the Romans bought with their money were the basics, food, clothing and shelter. The wealthier could afford to expand on their purchases either by more elaborate food, clothing and houses, or by the addition of decorative works, jewelry, and more property than their neighbors.The three things that the Romans bought with their money were the basics, food, clothing and shelter. The wealthier could afford to expand on their purchases either by more elaborate food, clothing and houses, or by the addition of decorative works, jewelry, and more property than their neighbors.The three things that the Romans bought with their money were the basics, food, clothing and shelter. The wealthier could afford to expand on their purchases either by more elaborate food, clothing and houses, or by the addition of decorative works, jewelry, and more property than their neighbors.The three things that the Romans bought with their money were the basics, food, clothing and shelter. The wealthier could afford to expand on their purchases either by more elaborate food, clothing and houses, or by the addition of decorative works, jewelry, and more property than their neighbors.

What countries are people starving in?

I would estimate that there are people starving in every country in the world. Even in some of the wealthier countries, the economic crisis has meant that people simply cannot afford to eat.

Do African houses have carpet or tiles?

It depends on where the house is and who own it. In the northern Arabic areas tile is common. But most people in Africa are poor and floors are compounded dirt. Wealthier people can afford whatever they want