

Do whales eat tons of krill each day?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Do whales eat tons of krill each day?
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What kills krill?

Baleen whales, they eat many tons per day.

How muck krill should a whale eat?

Whales eat tons of krill every day, but they quickly digest them into blubber, their energy reserves. Some whales can eat for only 4-6 months, and live off blubber for the rest of the year.

Do whales eat whales?

Yes, whales eat. They eat krill. Krill- shrimp-small shrimp like things and they live in salt-water. Whales eat alot of krill a day.

How much does a blue whale eat a day?

Blue Whales are Carnivores. Its favorite food is "Krill". An Adult blue whale can kill upto 40 million krill per day. They can eat nearly 3500 kilograms of krill in a single day. They need nearly 1.5 million kilocalories of energy per day and so, they nearly eat nonstop. Small fish, crustaceans and squids too get caught when they trap krill in their mouth. They scoop up large quantities of water into their mouth along with krill and other small aquatic creatures and then filters and push the water out. All remaining animals are swallowed.

Who are a blue whales pray?

Blue whales love krill and eat almost 40 million a day.

What sort of foodd do blue whales eat?

Blue whales are carnivores, although they only eat very tiny things, no bigger than your pinky finger. Their favorite food is krill, or shrimp-like euphausiids, that are up to three inches long. Blue whales must eat two to four tons of krill a day during the feeding season to survive the rest of the year.

How much krill can a humpback whale eat in a day?

humpback whale eats around 5000 krill one day.

How do tiny krill sustain whales?

Krill swarms are easy 2 million strong. so imagine of a whale runs into a few swarms. The gorge themselves oin it, whales can eat 3 tons of krill a day! But also whales store alot of fat. A mother whale will taker her calves to safe water for the calf to grow strong and can so 5 months with out eating. If you are really interested you should watch planet earth shallow seas show.

What do blue whales normally eat?

Blue whales are carnivores (meat-eaters). They normally eat several tons of krill a day during the summer eating season. However during the rest of the year, they do not eat at all. Instead, they live off of their stored fat.

What does a blue whale eat for tea?

Blue whales usually feed at depths of less than 100m on shrimplike crustaceans knowns as "krill". Blue whales may consume up to 5.5-6.4 metric tons of food per day during the summer feeding season.

What do blue whales tend to eat?

Blue whales feed almost exclusively on krill, a tiny kind of shrimp. Other types of zooplankton are being eaten by blue whales as well. Sometimes they eat up to 3600 kilograms (7900 pounds) a day of krill.

Do whales eat many tones of tiny krill each day?

When feeding "baleen" whales do this. However, some go for many days without feeding when migrating or giving birth. Other species of wales have teeth and hunt larger prey.