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No you idiots! Wolves howl when they catch prey, to communicate, guard there territory, and even just for fun! As a matter of fact, wolves barely EVER howl at full moons!

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Q: Do wolves only howl at full moons?
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Do wolves howl to humans to let them know where they are?

No they only howl to other wolves

Why people think wolves howl at the moon?

Dogs and wolves are very closely related – you can almost think of dogs as smaller, tamed wolves, or as wolves as large, wild dogs. That's not exactly right, as there are many differences, but wolves and dogs branched off from each other fairly recently evolutionarily speaking (studies have shown that foxes (another close relative of the dog) bred for domesticity and friendliness to humans develop traits such as splotchy color and floppy ears within only a few generations).

How many full moons are in the 2013 lunar calendar?

The exact number of full moons fluctuates by year, as the lunar calendar is only roughly twenty nine days long. In 2013, there will be twelve full moons.

Why do werewolves howl?

Wolves howl to claim territory as a starter. They also howl during combat with another pack, but they mak their howl wavy so it sounds like there are more then there really are in the pack. Lastly wolves how to signal messages such as "let's meet up".It's how they strengthen their bonds to each other, but also toshow they are going out to hunt or to scare other unwanted packs/wolves away from their territory.It's how they strengthen their bonds to each other, but also toshow they are going out to hunt or to scare other unwanted packs/wolves away from their territory.they howl because that is how they commite and how they claim their teratory!

Do animals do a poo each day?

No, only on full moons

How many full moons are going to be in January 2012?

January, 2012 has one full moon. Two full moons in one month only happens once in a blue moon.

How are wolves and foxes alike?

They're not similar really, only the body shape is similar.Foxes hunt alone - wolves in packs.Foxes tail touches floor - wolves doesn't.Foxes are smaller - wolves are biggerFoxes don't howl, they make chirping and screaming noises - wolves do howl and bark"True" Foxes belong to Vulpes - Wolves belong to Canis

Can Jacob Black's tribe in new moon shape shift?

they do not shape shift. they phase into werewolves. shape shifting implies that they can change into anything. they can only phase into wolves. they can also phase whenever they want, not just on full moons.

Is winters howl only in five?

winters howl is onyl in five

How far away can a wolf's howl be heard?

Loud enough to carry a mile or more on a still night! In terms of decibels, if you stand next to a howling wolf it's slightly quieter than a pneumatic drill - 90 to 100dB would be a rough estimate. (NB: I'm a volunteer at the UK Wolf Conservation Trust so frequently get to hear wolves howling).

How long is a month of full moons?

The full moon only actually lasts one day, so only one day in a month is there a full moon (although it will look full for a few days).

Would a person be able to get a wolf to come to them by imitating a howl?

it is possible. Wolves have a Strong instinct along with many other animals, and when they hear the howl they have to decide whether the howler is in danger or simply just wants a pack to come to them. I saw it demonstrated on a TV show once but only true professionals should do this. they are the ones that know how to handle wolves in case of any possible threat the wolf seeks.