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Q: Do women get more enjoyment in sexual intercourse?
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What is the difference between sex and sexual intercourse?

Sex can be "any activity from casual intimacies such as kissing and caressing to more intense types of physical contact designed to produce orgasm". This being said, I seem to recall a "presidential" statement that may have muddied the definition for many generations. Sexual activity (sex) can complement sexual intercourse or stand alone as a means for gratification. The penis/vagina are not the only methods of producing sexual enjoyment; humans beings can give and receive intense pleasure without any direct genital contact which is what sexual intercourse means.

What is the difference between sexual relations and sexual intercourse?

Kind of a fuzzy line between the two, Relations could include any sexual contact as well are the mental, physical, emotional and romantic aspects of the sexual relationships between people. Sexual intercourse would probably be more narrowly considered as the singular act of sexual intercourse.

What is swoop?

A female that has had sexual intercourse with more than ten men.

What is a swoop?

A female that has had sexual intercourse with more than ten men.

Why does a woman scream during intercourse?

Pleasure pains.Some women get very exited especially when they reach orgasm.It's for the same reason men moan/scream during orgasm.t is more like grunts of enjoyment then anything else.

What is female sexual feeling in sexual intercourse?

Like a male's only it's longer, harder to get, and more intense.

What method of reproduction increases variation within a species?

Maybe, Have more sexual intercourse. fragmentation

What is a sexual intercoase?

Sexual intercourse is a term that means the sexual contact between the males penis and females vagina. But its more likely to be defined as the the contact for having baby.

Does HIV affect more men or women?

It is more common for women to obtain the HIV from men than men from women during intercourse.

What is the right position for sexual intercourse?

All of them are right, but some are more right than others.

Why do some women sexually excite men while other women don't?

Of course, all women aren't alike, and different women are attractive to different men. Adolescent boys may get excited by just about anyone, but as we mature, our sexual "triggers" get more selective. Also, physical illness and recent intercourse (or masturbation) can tire a man out so he doesn't react to sexual stimuli that normally excite him.

Who enjoy more during sex boy or girl?

I suppose the best answer would have to come from a hermaphrodite. However, there would seem to be no general rule based on sexual assignment. Every person is wired a slightly different way with respect to their overall pleasure response to that type of stimulus. Moreover, there are obvious sexual dysfunctions that men and women may experience over the course of their sexually active lives. Most importantly, sexual enjoyment will vary based on the attractiveness by one parter to the other as well as the quality of performance by that sex partner be they same sex or other sex, which raises completely new discussions about hard wiring of sexual proclivities. Personally, I believe that a loving relationship produces the greatest enjoyment during sex. Therefore the person who is more in love would enjoy it the most. Then the question is: who loves deeper, men or women? On a purely physical level women experience greater pleasure. Nature intended it that way! Instead of going into scientific mumbo-jumbo I will explain it this way: the women bears all the consequences of intercourse- namely pregnancy. A women will say "If Im gonna have intercourse and go through pregnancy and bear a offspring with all of its responsibilities my pleasure better dam well be WAY better then his" nature listened.