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Some do, some don't. The smart ones hopefully walk away from the relationship when they recognize they are being abused and that they don't deserve it.

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Q: Do women hit their boyfriend when they are being verbally abused?
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What are the causes of women being abused?


What are the chances of a judge giving custody to a minor child to a man that verbally and mentally and occasionally abused the mother?

Under the Violence Against Women Act, he can't.

What are some ways women get abused?

Well it really depends if the person is hated or not! If someone has the want-to to abuse a woman, they will do it to them! So really results may vary!

What percentage of women report being victims of abuse?

according to amnesty international...more than 70% of women get killed by their fathers, brothers, husbands, relatives & other unknown men/strangers. but almost all females get abused by men verbally at some point in their lifetime.

Is it normal for women to have sexual fantasies of being physically abused during intercourse?


What is the statistic of women who abuse men?

There are no true statistics of women who abuse men because decent men who know they shouldn't hita woman or be verbally abusive back to their spouse do not report abuse as often as women for fear that they will be labeled as being weak. Men don't talk to other male friends about being abused as most men think they should be able to handle a woman. Easier said than done!

Men that are abused by women get help where?

call 911 if you are being abused or are abusive and can't stop either call 911 or a counsellor to help you.

What are three phases of the physical abuse cycle against adult women?

Perhaps these three may fit somewhere into your question. As a child they were abused by their mothers. As a married man or woman they are abused either physically or verbally, thus causing a hatred either of their own inadequateness to cope,causing a strong desire to hurt other women.

Did Alec Baldwin abuse women?

He was verbally abusive to his daughter but there's no valid info about him being physically abusive.

ONce either physically or verbally abused by men why cant those women whom have been abused by their men just leave especially those who are in a boy-girl friend relationship?

It is either because they are scared, they feel no wrong at what the man is doing, or their is a lot at stake such as kids, their life, whatever it may be.

How many women gets verbally and physically abused?

Answer There is no definite way to answer your question as there are no stats kept on such matters especially verbal abuse, as it's not a crime to verbally abuse somone. As for the physical abuse, Police departments who have files on these matters don't release them to the public at large. And a lot of women or men who suffer physical abuse don't ever report itt so there is no definite way of knowing.

Are there women who enjoy being abused by their male children?

In a world of 6 billion people, there are women who enjoy having their male children abuse them. They are an extremely small minority of women.