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* It depends on the individual woman. I prefer lean, mean and slightly muscular (not so muscular their veins are popping out) men, but even when younger I went for the guys that were a little shy, interesting, had a good sense of humor and treated me like a lady and if the chemistry worked then it was great. I dated male models, a life guard and found they were so into themselves the dates with them were boring and I dumped them. Men that are very muscular spend hours getting this way and they often will cheat with steroids. Nope, give me a guy that keeps his health up without being too into himself any day. Young male teens sometimes find that they don't think girls are attracted to them and instead of working on their personality they get mixed messages and work out like crazy and are under the delusion that muscles will get them the girls they are interested in. Not true! * Women like muscles more than they care to admit. I know, I was a walking young muscle once. Go to a night club and show off your arms and chest a bit and after the women have a drink or two they are just as bad as us men. They want to hang off those arms. However, don't mistake physical attraction with male arrogance. Although it is a fine line, women like confidence, not arrogance.

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Q: Do women like muscles on men and which muscles do they like?
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Can girls get muscles like men?

Yes they can, but they usually will only attract wimpy men and women if they do.

Why are calf muscles stronger in men than women?

calf muscles are stronger in men than women is because they have reps!!1

Why don't men like women with muscles?

Not being homosexual, most men are not sexually exited by decidedly masculine secondary sexual traits, like excess body hair or pronounced muscles.

Why don't women develop bulky miscles like men?

muscles are created by the hormone testosteron, which is present in greater amounts in men.

Do women have abs?

Yes women have abs. The muscles are both the same in men as in women.

Do girls like her man to be slim?

some probably do, if that is the look you are going for. I would say most women like their men with some muscles, but it is unanimous, we all like large bellies and big butts on men just as much as they like them on women.

What causes men to build bigger muscles than women?

Men do more physical work then women normally and they have less testosterone and that makes building muscles VERY hard for women

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Not for any reasonable amount and style of riding.

Women do not develop bulky muscles as men do because they have?

because women and men alone have different hormones whuch have specific functions to operate.

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well it all started off men were hunting and the women were looking aftering the kids. So now a days men will always be stronger than women even if women were to do the same excercise as men and at the same time. That's why men choose not to hit women or pick on them because men are more threatening than women

Are men's and women's brain's different?

yes! because men like women for there looks. and women like men for there acts.

What are women attracted to in men?

muscles, funniness, sweetness, if they give her chocolates and stuff..........