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Not every woman is the same. Some women prefer older men, some prefer younger men and some don't have a preference!

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Q: Do women prefer older men
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Different men prefer different women the same as different women prefer different men.

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No, not really. Some men may prefer to control women, but 99% do not.

Do men prefer to dominate women?

Some do, but not all - - in fact, not even a majority. Some men prefer to be dominated by women. Some men prefer an equal relationship. Some men aren't interested in women at all and want to be with other men.

Why do men chase after older women?

Some men just prefer to be with an older woman. Most men who prefer older women will tell you it has something to do with the woman's amount of experience. They assume that an older woman will know what she likes, know what she wants and treat them in an adult way. Some guys look for older women if they feel that younger women are treating them as 'learning experiences', these are usually guys who feel like they've totally got their stuff together- however right they may actually be about that is often debatable. It's also assumed that older women are in a place where they're financially sound. This can produce unpleasant ulterior motives, that aren't necessarily romance based. Some guys will genuinely not be able to clarify why they're attracted to older women. It's just who they're attracted to. Not all men are after older women.

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Justin Bieber prefers an older women because he is gay.

Do men in their thirties prefer women in their twenties over women in their thirties?

men in their thirties prefer anyone who he is atracted to and is willing to be intimate.

Do women prefer younger men?

It is not a genetic or gender related fact. There are different preferences among all walks of life. Some women like men young, some like them older and some prefer young or older women. The same for men and some don't like either in the sense of relationship or mating rituals. There is no wrong or right and there are no rules as to who or what is what to whom. Don't believe everything you hear, read, see or sometimes even experience. Question for you... what do you prefer? The answer you are satisfied with is all that matters to you.

Is it okay for younger women to date older men?

As long as both parties are consenting adults and there is mutual respect in the relationship, it can be okay for younger women to date older men. However, it's important to be mindful of power dynamics, potential differences in life goals, and societal judgments that may come with age gap relationships. Communication and understanding each other's perspectives are key to a healthy relationship.

Do lesbian prefer transgender's rather than real women?

No, they prefer women and not men dressing and living like women.

Why do women prefer chocolate to men?

they dont

Why do women perfer men several years younger then themselves?

Younger people can make very desirable mates.

Why do men prefer weak women?

Men like the weak ones