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No. Our rabbits prefer to settle themselves in their hutch, where they can burrow into paper and snuggle with each other. As rabbits are naturally sensitive rabbits, unless you have rocked them to sleep from infancy, they will most likely wake up as soon as you stop or shift the weight.

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Q: Do you Rock your rabbit to sleep?
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Why do you never see your rabbit sleep?

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How long do rabbits sleep?

The rabbit does not sleep for long periods at one time. Throughout the day and evening a rabbit will sleep in intervals spanning 6 to 8 hours.

What does rock to sleep mean?

Rock to sleep is a term used when you are holding someone or something in your arms and swaying it back and forth gently till it falls to sleep. For example you could rock a baby to sleep in your arms or a small animal/pet.

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Can you kill a rabbit with a rock?

Certainly. You can kill a person with a rock, it all depends on where you hit them.

Do rabbit's sleep with there eyes open?

They often do but will also close them on occasion.

If you pet your rabbit will it fall asleep?

Rabbits are very gentle and friendly animals who love affection as well as exercise. Relaxing petting, around the ears, will eventually make your rabbit fall to sleep. If you are thinking your rabbit won't sleep because its eyes are open, rabbits sleep their eyes open! To tell if your rabbit is asleep look at his nose, if it is barley moving he is likely to be asleep, also, deep breaths that are really obvious show that the rabbit is close to falling asleep. Hope I helped

When does a rabbit sleep?

i don't know but i know that they are awake 5am,6am and 7am

Can listening to different types of music before you sleep affect how long you sleep?

yes rock really loud helps sooth you to sleep. Rock helps soothe people to sleep, but there are more calming styles of music that helps soothe one to sleep.

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