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Q: Do you agree or disagree with this statement The Athenians brought the Peloponnesian War on themselves. Defend your argument?
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What is a logic argument?

A logic argument is a statement of logic. The term "argument" means a statement that could be true or false. A Statement that has not been tested as true or false is known as a theory. Logic is the term meaning the structure of an argument or statement and how it applies in its use.

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A logical argument in which each statement is backed up by a statement that is accepted as true is a proof.

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Introduction, Summary of Opposing Views, Statement of Understanding, Statement of Your Position, Statement of Context and Statement of Benefits.

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It concludes your argument

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Yes, a thesis statement is a key component of an argument. It presents the main point or claim that the argument will be supporting and is typically found at the end of the introduction. The thesis statement guides the direction of the argument and provides a clear focus for the reader.

What is a thesis statement made of?

A topic and an argument.

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A logical argument in which each statement is backed up by a statement that is accepted as true is a two column proof.

Is thesis statement interrogative?

No, a thesis statement is a declarative statement that presents the main point or argument of an essay. It is not interrogative in nature.

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The first argument of an IF statement is called the logical test. Its purpose is to evaluate a condition as either true or false. Based on the result of this test, the IF statement will execute different code blocks.

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How can you use argument in a better way?

The word argument typically means a disagreement. However, an argument can also be a statement for or against an action. "The mayor made a strong argument against raising the sales tax."