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Q: Do you always list the authors name when referencing a book?
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How do you reference a book with many authors?

When referencing a book with many authors, include the names of all the authors in the citation using the "et al." abbreviation after the first author's name if there are more than three authors. In the reference list, list all the authors' names.

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Where can you join the Black Expressions book club and get a list of African American best selling authors?

You can join the Black Expressions book club through their website or by subscribing to their mailings. They provide a curated list of best-selling African American authors in various genres such as fiction, non-fiction, romance, and mystery.

Who wrote the book 'Colloseum'?

Barnes & Noble and Google Books list a book entitled "The Colesseum". Barnes & Noble lists the authors as Ada Gabucci, Leonardo Lombardi and Gian Luca Gregori while Google Books list as authors, Filipo Coarelli and Ada Gabbucci.

Where can you find a list of all books written by Australian authors?

I'm not sure there is a list of every single book - but here's a good place to start (click the link)!

Harvad referencing style for text books?

In Harvard referencing style for text books, citations should include the author's last name and the year of publication in parentheses within the text. In the reference list at the end, the full details of the book should be included with the author's name, publication year, title of the book, publisher, and place of publication.

How do you cite essays with 2 different authors in MLA Format?

In MLA format, when citing an essay with two authors, list both authors' last names in the in-text citation. For the Works Cited page, list the authors in the order they appear in the essay, followed by the title of the essay, the title of the book or publication it appears in, the editor (if applicable), the publisher, and the publication date.

Alphabetical list of famous Management authors?

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A List of Books to Read Based on Your Likes?

It is always exciting when you finish a great book and look forward to the next book that your favorite author will publish, but sometimes that is months away. How will you find a great read in the meantime? One great way is to look up your favorite author as well as the word "similar" and you will find a list of other authors who write in the same genre with a similar feel.

Which of these authors was not an abolitionists?

You have to list them, for us to choose.

How do you cite a quote with two authors in APA format?

When citing a quote with two authors in APA format, include both authors' last names in the in-text citation, separated by an ampersand (&). For example: (Author1 & Author2, Year). In the reference list, list both authors' last names followed by a comma and an ampersand before the final author's name.

What information do you need to include in a works-cited list entry for a book?

For a book entry in a works cited list, you typically need to include the author's name, the title of the book, the publisher, the publication date, the edition (if applicable), and the format (e.g., print or ebook). Additional information may include the city of publication and page numbers if referencing a specific section.