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No. We simply live in heaven whereas the angels keep doing whatever it is they do that I guess will be revealed to us when we get there so long as we believe in Him!

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Q: Do you become angels in heaven?
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Are angels more powerful than fallen angels?

Yes, When angels are cast out of heaven they are stripped of there powers and become as weak as humans but angels of heaven however are strong enough to take down armies of men and demons, so like I said yes

What rhymes with heaven angels?

Shouldn't you say "heaven's angels" instead of "heaven angels"?

Why are bad angels are in heaven?

There are no bad angels in heaven. The bad ones left with Satan after the great war in heaven.

What are heaven ghosts?

Heaven ghosts are angels but they're not as scary as other ghosts. Do not worry, angels won't hurt you. You should respect heaven ghosts because it is important to respect angels and God.

Where were the angels based?

In heaven.

What is an angels behavior?

Angel basically means messenger. If you look at every reference in the Bible, you will see they are delivering a message. By the way, people do not become angels after they die and go to heaven.

Why are there more right angels?

because angels go to heaven.

Do we have different gender in heaven?

Yes we are male angels in heaven.

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How does an angel become an arch angel?

Angels and Arch angels are of different origin. Angels are mostly concerned with the faith-survival of humans come with us to the long lasting journey to Heaven, while arch angels perform administrative duties and do not accompany humans to paradise.

Why do there angels in heaven?

The angels in heaven are holy beings serving god and sometimes god has sent them togive his message to them , like The angel Gabriel.

Angels in heaven?

Yes there are angels in heaven. They have the responsibility of carrying out God's will either in heaven or here upon the earth. Angles can be Pre-existant Spirits, Tanslated Beings or Resurrected Personages. Even righteous mortal men have been referred to as angels.