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No. Grow up an accept responsibility.

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Q: Do you believe credit is too easy for young adult to obtain?
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Is it too easy for young adults to obtain credit?

It depends on your job.

How can you get a credit card if you're under 18 and don't have credit?

You can't. The age of "legal" majority is eighteen. There are no CCC's that will enter into a contract with a minor. This is not true. I've had two credit cards since the age of 16. Capitalone and American Express approved me, you just have to lie about your age (Internet app.) Well actually you can get a credit card at age 16. It's called the Elan Young Adult card. Yes it's a real credit card. You get lots of discounts on things. But you must get a co-signer in other words your parents must sign the contract also. If you dont pay then they have to. If any person, including a minor falsifies an application whether online or otherwise to obtain credit they have committed a criminal offense. A minor who obtains any type of credit under false pretenses will be held liable for the entire amount of the debt and can be charged under the juvenile codes of the state of residency for "theft by deceit." In some cases where the amount of debt is large, a judge can waive the age restriction and allow the minor to be prosesecuted as an adult.

How do you get a credit card if you are under 18 and do not have credit?

You can't. The age of "legal" majority is eighteen. There are no CCC's that will enter into a contract with a minor. This is not true. I've had two credit cards since the age of 16. Capital One and American Express approved me; you just have to lie about your age (Internet app.) Well, actually, you can get a credit card at age 16. It's called the Elan Young Adult card. Yes, it is a real credit card. You get many discounts on things. However, you must get a co-signer in other words your parents must sign the contract also. If you don't pay then they have to. If any person, including a minor falsifies an application whether online or otherwise to obtain credit they have committed a criminal offense. A minor who obtains any type of credit under false pretenses will be held liable for the entire amount of the debt and can be charged under the juvenile codes of the state of residency for "theft by deceit." In some cases where the amount of debt is large, a judge can waive the age restriction and allow the minor to be prosecuted as an adult.

What is the credit score of a person who has never had credit before?

You pretty much don't have a score. It's not impossible to get loans, but when you apply substantial down payments and/or high APRs may be a part of the loan. When you first start out on credit you still don't get a score, but I believe an initial score is established after 90 days. I believe they start you in the 600s because when I applied for a car loan my score was 615 after only 6 months of credit. This is why it's important to have credit cards at a young age so credit can be built. APR doesn't matter for the card, just carry a low balance and pay in full every month and those two things over a period of time (usually 3 years to get your "average" credit score) will give you a nice credit score. AND PAY ON TIME !

What does the average young adult spend on clothes per month?

30 a month