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Q: Do you break food down into your stomach or your esophagus?
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Is the esophagus is involved in chemical digestion?

The esophagus has a physical break down. The esophagus squeezes the food down into the stomach, making this a physical break down.

Can your esophagus break down protein?

The esophagus is merely a tube that transports foods and liquids to the stomach. While enzymes in saliva break down food, the esophagus plays no role in separating or breaking down food molecules.

Food reaches the stomach by going down the?

Food reaches to the stomach by going down the esophagus.

Tube carrying food from the mouth to he stomach?

The digestive system the esophagus. Food goes from your mouth and goes down your esophagus then to the stomach blood goes around the food and the liver takes what the blood absorbed down

What happens to food before it enters your stomach?

Once food enters your mouth, saliva begins to break it down. When you swallow, the food moves down your esophagus to your stomach. The act of swallowing is also called deglutition.

How do muscles in the esophagus help to move food?

The esophagus helps you by sending the food to the liver. Since the liver is connected to the stomach it is send to the stomach. Next is the small intestine. Keep in mind that the food is getting smaller. The food swirls down the small intestine into the large intestine. It goes throughout the whole entire large intestine and to the colon. Then you need to go to the bathroom. It takes up 10 HOURS to do all that

Which best describe the role of the esophagus in digestion?

The esophagus is a tube that runs between the throat and stomach. It is designed to help stomach acid stay in the stomach and to get food and drink to the stomach.

What organ squeezes food down into the stomach is the?

The Esophagus

Where does the food goes when it travels down the esophagus?

To the stomach

What happens in pharynx?

The muscles in the esophagus move the food down into the stomach.

What is the function of the esophagus in sharks?

the esophagus it a tube like food passage it takes food down into the stomach

What is the function esophagus?

Its function is to aid in digestion. when an animal or human eats their teeth break up the food and start the process. The food then travels down the throat down the esophagus into the stomach by peristallis peristallis is when the esophagus contracts and expands to push the food through hope this helped! Adam