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Q: Do you breath more slowly if you breath in a lot of oxygen?
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How does fitness affect playing the trumpet?

you learn to breath in a lot more oxygen and get a lot more puff into you

Why do you breath harder when exercising?

your body needs to get rid of CO2 that has built up and it needs to get oxygen for energy a lot quicker. so you take bigger breaths which release more CO2 and bring in more oxygen.

Why do you breath slower when you are at rest?

When you are at rest, or sleeping, your heart beats slower. Because it is beating slower, blood travels more slowly through your body, and therefore more slowly through your lungs. As a result, you breath slower. When you do vigorous activity, your heart beats faster to supply blood to your body cells faster. This causes blood to race through your body and lungs, requiring you to breath a lot faster to keep up with the amount of blood that needs oxygen from your lungs.

How do you use an inspirometer?

inhale slowly through the hose then exhale, DO NOT force yourself to inhale more than your lungs are comfortable with, its a lot like smoking except you exhale immediately like a breath

Why shouldn't you hold your breath when you lift weights?

Your body needs a lot of oxygen when performing rigorous tasks, and any depriving of oxygen can make you pass out. You should constantly breath, and if you cannot, do a smaller weight until your lungs adjust.

Why do you get short of breath in a race?

You can move because your muscles respire, this involves using glucose and oxygen and turning it into water and energy. The more you move your muscles, the more oxygen you need. Oxygen has to go into the lungs then pass into the bloodstream to get to all your muscles. This process is limited so when you use your muscles a lot when running you begin to run out of oxygen. Your body compensates by performing more anaerobic respiration, which doesn't need oxygen. This produces lactic acid but allows you to keep running. The lack of oxygen is called oxygen debt, the faster and the more you run, the more oxygen debt builds up. When you stop running there is still all that lactic acid in your bloodstream and in your muscles. You need to keep breathing so your body can neutralise that acid otherwise your muscles would end up damaged.

How do you know when your out of shape?

If your out of breath a lot, more so than the people around you.

Where can you obtained the oxygen for a moon colony?

Actually NASA just found a bunch of water on the Moon. A lot more than anyone ever imagined. So that pretty much solves all your problems. Using electrolysis to separate Hydrogen for fuel and Oxygen to breath your set!

How do fish breath in oxygen under water?

Fish "breathe" the dissolved oxygen out of the water using their gills. It turns out that extracting the oxygen is not very easy -- air has something like 20 times more oxygen in it than the same volume of water. Plus water is a lot heavier and thicker than air, so it takes a lot more work to move it around. The main reason why gills work for fish is the fact that fish are cold-blooded, which reduces their oxygen demands. Warm-blooded animals like whales breath air like people do because it would be hard to extract enough oxygen using gills. Humans cannot breathe underwater because our lungs do not have enough surface area to absorb enough oxygen from water, and the lining in our lungs is adapted to handle air rather than water. However, there have been experiments with humans breathing other liquids, like fluorocarbons. Fluorocarbons can dissolve enough oxygen and our lungs can draw the oxygen out.

Why does plants release a large amount of oxygen a day?

Consider why it releases oxygen in the first place. It takes in Co2 and creates oxygen from it, an action known as photosynthesis, which is like eating. Now consider the human population, which when we breath, makes Co2. It's, of course, very large. So if the plant has a lot of Co2 then it would in turn make a lot of oxygen

What should you do if you breath in a lot of smoke from a gas fire?

Go to the ER . You need to be evaluated by a doctor , maybe oxygen . maybe respiratory therapy treatment or hospitalization.

Why is it more common for girls to play flutes?

well maybe because girls talk more, and the flute requires a lot of breath support