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When you have your period, more than spotting comes out. I'm on a period myself and the first i had mine, it wasn't spotting first. But it's actually what you believeis the first day. So sure, spotting could count as the first day.

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Q: Do you count spotting as the first day?
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Do you count spotting as the first day of the period?

No, spotting and breakthrough bleeding does not count as the first day of your period. Spotting and breakthrough bleeding is an annoyance that occurs as an unwanted side effect of birth control. However, frequent spotting or breakthrough bleeding can also be a sign that you need a higher dosage of birth control.

When do you starting counting the 1st day of your periods?

The first day of your period is the first day of bleeding - you don't count days when you are spotting (brown or pink discharge).

Does the cycle start after your period is over or during?

The first day of your menstrual cycle is the first day of your period. You onlystart counting on the first day you see true bleeding, don't count from when you start spotting.

When you start your period if you have brown spotting do you count that as the first day of your cycle or do you wait till you see bright red blood?

any sort of spotting either before or after is considered to be your period.

You had 3 days of brown spotting before proper blood started is that the day you count from?

you only count days with blood spotting, the brown spotting may occur when you change your diet or over exercise your self. i asked my doctor about the 14th day brown spotting and she said its nothing to be worried about, i guess that should apply to your case.

Do you count the brown blood as the beginning of a period?

No, when counting your menstrual cycle day one is the first day of true bleeding. Brown discharge is spotting, small amouts of blood mixing with discharge as you start to bleed, but you don't count this as day one.

After you start birth control for the first time do you consider spotting the first day of your period or actual flowing the first day?

spotting is the beginning of what will be your period.

What day should you consider the first day of your period - the day of dark red spotting or the day when the flow begins?

The day when flow begins, not spotting

Do you count your cycle from the first day you bleed?

Every woman's cycle starts on the first day of their menstruation. First day of menstruation is usually cycle day one. So start counting on that day and they end it the day before your next period will arrive. So if you have a 29 day cycle that would mean that you have 29 days before your next cycle will come.

Is spotting considered first day of period?

No it is not.. The first day of a full flow is considered the first day of your cycle.NO! because it is just spotting not your real period it might be a sign of your period beginning to approach!

What day do you count as the first of your cycle if you have bright red blood for one day then stop for a day then start again heavily?

the first day would be whatever day you find more than just spotting on your pad or liner so in your case bright red that's how mine is too

What is day 1 of your menstrual cycle?

you count day one as the first time you start bleeding...the last day is too hard to pinpoint because of spotting occurs after you have in actuality stopped. Usually a cycle is 3-7 days depending on the individual and heaviness of the menses.