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Q: Do you cramp a lot during implantation bleeding?
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My mom has Dizzy spells and is bleeding a lot what can it be?

it could be implantation bleeding

When does implantation bleeding occur if at all?

Hi, Implantation bleeding occurs 6-12 days after intercourse when fertilisation of the egg has taken place. Not every woman experiences implantation bleeding and it is not as common as a lot of women think.

Im pregnant and you were bleeding?

You don't say how far along you are or how much bleeding. Spotting is not uncommon and especially during implantation. If you are worried and bleed a lot contact your doctor.

Is implantation bleeding similar to a period?

it is very similar, however it is a lot more pinkish than redish and there isn't a lot like on normal periods

What does it mean when you only have your period in the mornings for only two days and its not a lot?

It could be implantation bleeding. You might consider a pregnancy test.

Causes of bleeding when 4 weeks pregnant?

All depends on what bleeding you are having, I't might be implantation bleeding if it is little, pinkinsh or brown. If there is a lot of blood and you have pain you might be having a miscarraige. Contact you care giver for advise.

Is writers cramp fatal?

No, it just means a cramp in your hand from writing a lot.

Is it possible to bleed a lot during pregnancy and not miscarry?

If you know for sure that you are pregnant, it is probably not going to be your period, although some women have experienced a "first" period then learns a couple of weeks later that they really are pregnant. It is possible that it could be implantation bleeding caused by the fertilized egg to attach itself to the uterine wall. Or it could be a cervical change that can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Another cause for bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage although the first two reasons for bleeding are more common, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor as soon as you can.

Having bleeding a week before period is due... implantation bleeding?

i started what seemed to be my period 4 days early it was very light and only lasted 2 days. implantation or just an abnormal period?it was dark red just like a period but it was just a lot shorter, normally i have a 4 day cycle and it was lighter. i took a test but it was negative, possibly i took it too early?

Could you be pregnant if you spotted for a few days a week before your period and never got your regular period as expected?

Yes, you could be. This sounds a lot like implantation bleeding. If you haven't, take a pregnancy test.

Is it a period or heavy implantation bleeding?

...that depends a lot on day of conception(not neccassarily sex, but conception can be between the day of sex and three days after). If its around 5 days after conception then it could very possibly be. Implantation bleeding. Although implantation bleeding is usually light and spotty. Some women do mistake it for a normal menstrual cycle. if its too late after conception for it to be implantion bleeding (which occurs days fivr after conception or some others say 6-12 days after) , then you could have had a miscarriage. Common in the first trimester, this is especially possible if cramping pains went with this. (But the cramps could be oregnancy pains too) ...just try not to worry... what ever happens or has happened is for a reason! Best of luck! Xoxo

What is another word for bleeding a lot?

constant bleeding