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Yes it is best to defrost the food before feeding to goldfish, or fish in general, it's easier for the fish to eat it and they will not become "chilled" by eating the food if it is already defrosted.

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Q: Do you defrost fish food before feeding?
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it depends on the fish you have. if you have a community, then obey the suggested feeding schedule on the food.

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once their "food sacs" are gone you should probably start feeding them one or 2 day later

Why is there food floating in the bottom of the fish tank?

This may mean that you are over feeding your fish and they cannot finish what you have put in the tank; reduce the amount of food you give each feeding, and make sure you clean the tank regularly

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Hand feeding a fish means that you train your fish to take their food from your hands. This is something that many fish keepers do, and you will always want to start off by letting the fish get used to seeing your hands in the tank, then gradually work your way up to being able to get them to take food from you.

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How do you feed a fish?

Depending on the fish, all fish have different requirements for the feeding For eg. I have a gold fish who I give a pinch of fish food once or twice a day.

Name 4 things you would need to know before feeding fish in a pond?

1) The species of fish in the pond. 2)The type of food the fish are usually fed. 3)The last time the fish were fed. 4)The next time the fish would/should be fed

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take it to the vet make sure you are feeding your fish the right food aswell and enough food but still take it to the vet