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It depends on where you're starting from. Idiot.

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Q: Do you fly over water or land when going to New York?
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Does a hurricane originate over water or land?

They form over water.Hurricanes form over water, tornadoes form over land

What body of water would you fly over going from New York to London England?

North Atlantic Ocean.

Where does a cyclone start - over the land or over the sea?

In the US, a cyclone can only start over land - over the water it is referred to as a water spout.

Are thunderstorms more likely to form over land or over water?


What Occurs when air traveling over the water moves over land cools down and travels back over the water?

land breeze

If you were flying over the Isthmus of Panama would you be flying over land or water?

It is lkufyhbkerufheifhukfjkslfhjnjilfkhjfkdhldjkhfiersklfljdflfrklffrfjrhefifrhfjkrd land

Air moving from land to water?

At night, land cools much more rapitly than ocean water. Air over the land becomes cooler than air over the ocean. Cooler, denser air above the land moves over the water, as the water rises. Movement if the air toward the water from the land is called land breeze.

Is it faster to travel over land or water?

It depends on the thing that is traveling on the water or land.

Occurs when air traveling over land moves over water cools down and travels back over the land?

When air traveling over land moves over water and cools down and travels back it causes precipitation because the water is now full of water droplets.

What is the temperature difference in land and water breezes?

the temperature of breezes over water is much cooler than over land because the sunlight is reflected of the water instead of absorbed by the land

How are air masses that over land similar from air masses that form over water?

they are over land

Are tropical storms over land or over water?

Tropical storms form over warm ocean water. They weaken rapidly if they hit land.