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YES YOU CAN! When someone breaths in you rmouth you get this funny feeling in your butt, and you start to fart alot, so be careful. It happened to me so make sure you fart in the bathroom

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What is mouth to mouth breathing?

Tis' actually called mouth to mouth. It is when you cannot breath and someone puts their mouth up to yours, and gives you 02, or, oxygen. Hope this helps.

How do you give mouth to mouth breathing?

if it does not look like it's breathing, give it mouth to mouth

When is it necessary to give someone mouth to mouth recitation?

Give mouth to mouth resuscitation to an infant or child that isn't breathing. If an adult shows no signs of life, go directly to CPR.

What is the common reason of mouth to mouth breathing failure?

A common reason for mouth-to-mouth breathing failure may be an airway obstruction that is preventing adequate chest rise is the patient.

Why is breathing through the nose more important than breathing through the mouth?

The germs in the air go through the hair in your nose and get caught in it, when they go through your mouth the bacteria is heading into your lungs and drys out your mouth if you sleep breathing through your mouth.

Is mouth to mouth required for CPR?

Breathing is required for CPR. You can use a breathing barrier such as a mask; or use a bag valve mask for the breaths. Mouth to mouth, per se, is not recommended.

Why does breathing rate increase with kissing?

Because you have to hold your breath because you can't breath on someone else's face. and also you can't breath inside someone's mouth.

What is a metaphor for breathing?

The trees were breathing.

Why breathing mouth to mouth CPR very important?

becase if you did not give mouth to mouth they would die

What does breathing begin with?

the nose or mouth

What is a breathing machine?

nose and mouth

Is breathing internal of external force?

breathing in through your nose is internal, breathing out through your mouth is external.