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Q: Do you get inherited traits from one parent or both?
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An example of inherited traits of an insect is?

Some inherited traits that an insect may have are hair color, muscle structure, and wings. An inherited trait is one that comes from a parent or ancestor.

Where are inherited traits passed from?

Your genetic traits come from both of your parents. One chromosome comes from either parent out of the 23 pairs.

Unit of heredity that passes on traits from parent to offspring?

this is called a inherited trait. If it comes from one parent, it will not show and this is called a recessive trait.

Does one gene control many traits or do many genes control one trait?

The answer is simple, genes are inherited and traits are your own uniqueness, genes will have an influence on your traits, so if you are a loud person, that will be one of your traits, and if a parent is a loud person, you will have most likely inherited that gene from them, so the answer is one gene controls many traits because the gene was there first

How do traits get inherited?

Through genetics, you have two alleles(different versions for a gene) for each gene, one from each parent

What are the principles of genetics?

# Sex cell of a plant or animal may contain one factor (allele) for different traits but not both factors needed to express the traits. # Characteristics are inherited independently from other characteristics. # Each inherited characteristic is determined by two heredity factors/genes, one from each parent which determine whether a gene will be dominant or recessive.

What are the inherited traits of the Leatherback Turtle?

inherited traits of a turtle

Where do your traits come from?

Your genetic traits come from both of your parents. One chromosome comes from either parent out of the 23 pairs.

Do people inherit low self esteem from their parent?

While genetics can play a role in certain personality traits, self-esteem is mainly shaped by a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors. Parental influence, such as modeling behavior and providing support, can impact a child's self-esteem but it is not solely inherited. Individuals can develop low self-esteem due to various life experiences and influences beyond just genetics.

Can thought extraction be inherited?

There are many inherited traits and conditions. Thought extraction is not one of them.

Can two alleles from different genes be inherited together?

These genes are inherited together, the alleles are not. And keep in mind that both the mother and father contribute to the child, so their allelic pairing may change the intended expression of the gene.

What is recessive traite?

relating to or denoting heritable characteristics controlled by genes that are expressed in offspring only when inherited from both parents, i.e., when not masked by a dominant characteristic inherited from one parent.