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The best candy to get would be best to get a store, because of some people can put nasty things, poison, in the candy, so if you do trick or treat, always ask a parent of guardian to check it before eating it.

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Q: Do you get the best candy and treats by trick-or-treating in neighborhoods or stores?
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Why do you get give candy?

because children like candy for treats.

Are rice krispies treats candy?

no it isn't

Why is the candy part of the celebration of Halloween?

The candy part of the celebration of Halloween is called Trick or Treating. Kids go around to houses in their neighborhoods and get free candy.

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What stores sell rock candy?

You can find rock candy at candy stores or mabey at walmart and safeway!! :)

Where is the candy?

In most major grocery stores, candy shops, and convenience stores.

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Candy apples and Cotton Candy both have sticks to hold on to while enjoying those delicious treats.

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Bill Gates Does not eat "candy" instead he treats himself to pretzels

Where do you buy cotton candy?

Circuses, Fairs, sometimes merchant stores and candy stores.

What are some alternative treats to sugary candy for Halloween?

There are many fun treats to use as alternate to sugary candy for Halloween. Pretzles are good, along with Goldfish. Chips and dip is always popular as a snack or for a party. Also, some "sweet" treats like a candy apple still have a bit of sweetness in them, but still are semi-alright ( Awww ell naw dont giv dem kids dat nasty crap CANDY CANDY CANDY [DONT BE CHEAP]

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its not healthy at all for rats to eat sugar candy or any candy for that matter. Rats are susseptable to diabetes and ever cancer, so its always best to stick to your local pet stores brand of food and fruits and vegetables as treats to keep your rat healthy

How do countries celebrate Halloween?

Most countries celebrate by dressing in costume.In America the majority of children "trick or treat" in their neighborhoods, walking door to door in costumes to collect candy and treats from their neighbors.Some cities, like New York City, hold large parades of people in costumes.