



Candy is a confection made from a concentrated solution of sugar in water, that flavorings and colorants are added to. Here you can ask various questions about candy.

3,716 Questions

What kind of vinegar dissolves candy?

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All types of vinegar, such as white distilled vinegar, apple cider vinegar, and balsamic vinegar, can dissolve candy due to their acidic nature. Vinegar breaks down the sugar in the candy, causing it to dissolve.

How many tacos can the average human eat?

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The number of tacos an average human can eat varies widely depending on individual appetite, metabolism, and personal preferences. It is not possible to provide a specific number as it can range from a few tacos to a dozen or more in one sitting.

What liquid dissolve mint candy?

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Hot water or warm milk can dissolve mint candy effectively. The heat of the liquid helps to break down the sugar and mint flavoring in the candy, allowing it to dissolve more easily.

What is the chemical formula of candyfloss?

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It's the same as regular sucrose, which is C12H22O11, This takes the form of glucose, which is a six-membered ring composed of five carbon atoms and one oxygen atom, bonded via an ester link (an oxygen atom) to a fructose, which is a five-membered ring composed of four carbon atoms and one oxygen atom. It's way easier to visualise if you look at a diagram, google "sucrose molecular structure" to find one.

Sucrose is the regular variety of granulated sugar one would stir into tea or coffee, which raises the question - if it has the same molecular structure as candy floss, how come table sugar isn't candy floss?

The answer to this question is to do with crystallisation. Basically, the granules of table sugar you might stir into coffee are crystals, which means that all of the sucrose molecules are arranged side by side in neat little stacks. Candyfloss is an example of what is called "sugar glass", meaning a material formed from sugar with the glass properties. Glass properties - brittle, typically transparent - result from their non-crystalline structure. In other words, in candy floss, the sucrose molecules are not neatly stacked in a crystal but are arranged - or rather, not remotely arranged - in a higgledy piggledy mess.

This is achieved by melting the sucrose in a candy floss machine and then forcing the resulting liquid through tiny little holes. The air on the other side of the holes immediately cools the liquid into a solid without giving the sucrose molecules time to arrange themselves into crystals. Also, the holes are so small that the glass strands created are incredibly thin but can grow to long lengths.

So basically, the chemical formula of candy floss is no different to the chemical structure of table sugar (although small amounts of certain substances may be added to deliberately stop crystallisation from happening). How they differ is in the way the molecules are arranged in relation to one another - neatly ordered in table sugar, higgledy piggledy in candyfloss.

References: McGee on Food and Cooking, Harold McGee

Which is the best unit to use to weigh a small piece of candy?

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The best unit to weigh a small piece of candy is grams. Grams are commonly used for measuring small weights and are accurate for measuring items like candy.

Does salt make candy sour or sugar?

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Salt typically enhances the sweetness of candies by contrast, rather than making them sour. Sugar is the main ingredient responsible for the sweetness of candies. Sourness in candy is usually achieved by adding ingredients like citric acid or sour flavors.

Where can you get toxic waste candy?

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Toxic Waste candy can be purchased from various online retailers, as well as in specialty candy stores and some larger chain stores. It is known for its extreme sour flavor and is popular among candy enthusiasts.

How much does a piece of candy weigh?

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It weights 2 grams if the candy is French or green, but 5 grams if the candy has one color and not french or green. If it has more than one color, it’s 4 grams.

What type of mixture is a bowl of peanuts mixed with candy?

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A heterogeneous mixture, since the peanuts and candy are visibly different and can be physically separated.

Candy bar named after the planet 4ourth farthest fro the sun?

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The candy bar you are referring to is likely named Mars bar, named after the planet Mars, which is the fourth planet from the Sun.

How do you make a periodic table out of Skittles?

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To make a periodic table out of Skittles, you can first assign each color of Skittle to a specific element on the periodic table based on the element's properties or characteristics. Then, arrange the Skittles in the corresponding order on a large surface to create the table. Make sure to include the element's name, symbol, and atomic number for each Skittle.

Can Mars bars packets be recycled?

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Yes, Mars bar packets can generally be recycled. The packaging may vary by location, so it's best to check with your local recycling program or visit the Mars website for specific recycling guidelines in your area.

Do gushers freeze?

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Yes, Gushers can be frozen. Freezing Gushers can create a chewier texture and a colder snack experience. However, their texture may change slightly, so they might not have the same consistency when thawed.

Are there compounds in candy?

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Yes, candy typically contains a variety of compounds such as sugar, flavorings, colorants, and preservatives. These compounds contribute to the taste, texture, and appearance of the candy.

Is sugar free candy still bad for a diabetic?

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Sugar-free candy may still affect blood sugar levels in diabetics because they can contain sugar alcohols or other carbohydrates that can raise blood sugar levels. It's important for diabetics to check the nutrition label for total carbohydrate content and monitor their blood sugar levels after consuming sugar-free candy.

Where do candy striped shrimp live?

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Candy striped shrimp, also known as banded coral shrimp, are found in coral reefs and rocky crevices in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, Hawaii, and Australia. They are commonly found in shallow waters with plenty of hiding spots and places to perch.

What is a gum vulcanizate?

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A gum vulcanizate is a type of rubber compound that has undergone vulcanization, a process in which sulfur and heat are applied to raw rubber to improve its strength, elasticity, and durability. Gum vulcanizates are commonly used in tire manufacturing and other industrial applications where high performance rubber is required.

What makes candy?

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Candy is made using a combination of sugar, flavorings, and sometimes colorings. These ingredients are heated and mixed together to form a syrup, which is then shaped, cooled, and packaged into the various candy forms we see and enjoy.

What would candy dissolve in quickest coffee V8 coke or water and why?

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Asked by SMIDNITE888

Candy would dissolve quickest in hot coffee because the heat helps break down the candy faster. V8 and coke contain additional ingredients that may slow down the dissolving process compared to water.

What candy is named after piles?

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Mounds are a candy bar made by Hershey's that is named after piles or mounds of sweet coconut covered in chocolate.

Can there be such thing as candyland where everything is made of candy?

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Asked by Madie510785

While a real-life Candyland where everything is made of candy doesn't exist, there are themed attractions and events that recreate this concept. Creating a place entirely made of candy would raise concerns about hygiene, sustainability, and practicality. It's enjoyable to imagine, but in reality, such a place would pose many challenges.

Should you freeze peanut brittle?

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It is not recommended to freeze peanut brittle as the moisture from condensation can make it sticky and affect its texture. It is best to store peanut brittle in an airtight container at room temperature to maintain its freshness and crunchiness.

Does the milky way candy bar have anything to do with the name of the milky way galaxy?

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Yes, the Milky Way candy bar was named after the Milky Way galaxy due to its smooth and creamy texture, reminiscent of the galactic swirls of our galaxy.

How do you use chromatography of Skittles?

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To perform chromatography on Skittles, you can use a coffee filter or chromatography paper. Start by placing a Skittle in a small amount of water or rubbing alcohol to create a liquid extract. Then, using the paper as a strip, place a drop of the extract at the bottom and watch as the colors separate and move up the paper to reveal the dyes used in the Skittle.

Why do viscosity affect candy maker?

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because viscosity is the thickness of a liquid and in order to make good candy the viscosity has to a certain thickness before you let it cool. If the viscosity is thick than the candy will be like taffy if it is runnier when you take it out than the candy will be hard.