

Milk Chocolate

Milk chocolate is a sweet chocolate used in making candies. It is rarely used in baking, except for cookies.

155 Questions

What are the side affects of milk chocolate in a Snickers bar?

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chocolate is good for you in small moderations of course but scientist have proved that it has antioxidants and makes you feel happy that is the reason people eat it when they're feeling down

There is a drug called phenylethylamine that is related to amphetamines. This drug causes your blood pressure and blood sugar level, to rise and alerts you. It is called the "love-drug" because it makes your pulse go faster like when you're in love.

Is milk chocolate and chocolate milk the same?

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Baking chocolate is unsweetened chocolate, either as cocoa powder (which can be natural, or dutch processed), or sold with some fat added to make it solid, and sold as solid squares. No sugar is added, so the recipe you are making will have to make up for this; quite bitter otherwise.

Milk chocolate has had milk, or milk powder, added to the chocolate; as well as some amount of sugar. It is sold in bar form or as "chips".

What is the melting point of milk chocolate in degrees Celsius?

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Chocolate is a mixture and so does not have a unique melting point: it is between 30 and 32 deg C.

Can milk chocolate cause weight gain?

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Yes. A lot of them are high in fat. Exercise and burn calories and you should be fine.

They are a lot of low fat, and low sugar dairy products, you have to read the information on the product

What temperature does milk chocolate melt?

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110 Degrees Fahrenheit

How do you convert semi-sweet chocolate to milk chocolate?

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Some people suggest melting the dark chocolate and then adding milk and stirring. Different varieties of dark chocolate contain different amounts of cocoa you could add sugar to make up more body. However, due to the nature of the chocolate matrix (i.e. the way the fats and other constituents are held together) it will probably difficult to get the same consistency as store-bought chocolate. Might be better to make a hot-chocolate drink rather than a new chocolate product!

Who invented the milk chocolate and what country was he from?

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Chocolate is native to south america, where it was drunk as a frothy drink.

Modern chocolate was developed by theVan Houten family in the netherlands.

Does a Hershey's milk chocolate bar melt faster than a Hershey's mr.goodbar or krackle bar?

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Yes because a Hershey's bar has nothing in it like almond ,so the melting process is faster.

How much caffeine in muscle milk chocolate powder?

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Based on my research, my guess is about 40 mg.

What is the difference between semi sweet chocolate and milk chocolate?

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Asked by Pmead

There isn't much of a difference but semi sweet is less likely to burn and is not as sweet as milk chocolate. Hope this helps!

Does Hershey's milk chocolate contain gluten?

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Usually. Check the label to be sure. Hershey's will plainly label wheat.

How much are the ingredients for milk chocolate?

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Please be more specific in your question ("much" as in....weight, mass, total amount, chocolate pieces, cost, ect.) so that WikiAnswers can provide you with the best answer possible. Thank you!

What is healthier milk chocolate or fudge?

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Fudge is thicker and chewier

What is the difference between German chocolate and milk chocolate?

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German chocolate has been similarly "conched" like the famous Swiss chocolate Lindt. It is much creamier and more refined.

How many calories are in a 1.5 ounce milk chocolate bar?

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How much caffeinr is in 1.5 oz milk chocolate bar

What are the top three milk chocolate brands?

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Hershey, snickers, etc

cadbury, lindt,nestle,

there are tons im not gonna tell you cos it took me less than 20 seconds to find them which is probably less than it took you write this question.

How much potassium in milk chocolate?

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It has less potassium than dark chocolate but virtually the same as light.

Why is chocolate milk artificial?

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yes, unlike dark chocolate which has 0 ( zero) artificial sweeteners!

Can dogs die from milk chocolate?

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They can. Chocolate in moderate amounts (one candy bar) is toxic to dogs.

In addition some times the affect of chocolate on a pet is very very unpredictable. Therefore sometimes a small amount can cause a fatal arrhythmia in a pet.

Here are some additional details and a link.

Chocolate contains substance known as theobromine that is difficult for dogs and other non-human animals to metabolized. I can be fatal to dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, bird and other pets, according to the Ontario Canada, SPCA.

The dog or animal should be induced to vomit because the theobromine in chocolate is toxic to some animals even though it is safe for human consumption.

The dog or other pet should then be rushed to the vet because the theobromine and other stimulants in chocolate can induce a fatal heart arrhythmia in some non-human animals. The dog may or may not need to have its stomach pump, but a vet needs to make that determination.

Cooking chocolate is the most toxic, followed by dark chocolate, followed by milk and white chocolate

Can milk chocolate cause spots?

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this was in the mail online!my 2 kids,me&my partner all have spots&drink lots of milk!! i was always told it was good for you!! this would explain the spots!!crap!!! Many a spotty teenager has been told to lay off the chips and chocolate if they want clear skin. But research suggests they would do much better to cut down on drinking milk. Teenagers who drink a pint or more of milk a day are almost 50 per cent more likely to develop spots and pimples than those who rarely or never drink milk. Whole and semi-skimmed milk also raise the risk of acne - but to a lesser extent, the research carried out at the respected Harvard School of Public Health, showed. It is thought that hormones that occur naturally in milk and other dairy products nourish spots by making skin greasy and blocking pores. Processing milk to make low-fat versions may raise levels of the hormones, making the situation worse. Most common in the teenage years, acne affects up to 98 per cent of 16 to 18 year olds. Usually sparked by hormonal changes during puberty, acne can also be triggered by stress. While many sufferers believe their spots are made worse by chocolate or by fatty food, the link between diet and acne has been unclear. But it now appears milk may play a key role. The US researchers looked at the teenage diet of more than 47,000 women and then compared dairy product intake with cases of acne. Analysis of the results revealed a clear link between milk and skin problems. Worst off were those who regularly drank skimmed milk, with two half-pint glasses a day raising the risk of the condition by 44 per cent. Those who drank a pint of whole milk a day were 12 per cent more likely to develop acne, while semi-skimmed milk increased the risk by 16 per cent. Overall, those who regularly drank milk were 22 per cent more likely to have suffered from acne than those who rarely or never drank the white stuff. Cream and cottage cheeses also raised the risk of the condition, however, chips, chocolate and pizza did not. Writing in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, the researchers said that sex and growth hormones naturally found in cow's milk may trigger spots. In an accompanying article, acne expert Dr William Danby said the human body isn't designed to deal with the high levels of hormones found in cow's milk. 'Viewed objectively, human consumption of large volumes of another species' milk, especially when that milk comes mainly from pregnant cows during the human's normally post-weaned years, is unnatural,' he said. Other recent research has shown that women who eat low-fat dairy products when trying to conceive may be dramatically cutting their chances of pregnancy. Drinking a pint of semi-skimmed or skimmed milk or eating two pots of yoghurt a day almost doubles the risk of anovulatory infertility, in which women stop ovulating. However, Britain's milk producers said that milk has many health benefits and stressed that finding a link between milk and acne is not the same as proving that milk causes acne. Dr Judith Bryans (CORR), of the Dairy Council, said: 'Unnecessary exclusion of dairy from the diet can compromise nutrient intakes. 'This is especially important for teenagers who are most likely to suffer with acne, and for whom the bone-building nutrients naturally found in dairy foods are so important.'

What was the name of the chocolate bar which had a layer of milk chocolate on plain chocolate?

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  • "the name of the box of cocolate that was half milk half plain is called milk duds.."

What is the difference between milk chocolate and unsweetened chocolate?

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milk chocolate has added items like sugars and extra creams and milks. unsweetend chocolate is pretty much just straightup chocolate. if whoever posted this question reads this im sorry for what i posted earlier. my little sister who's 12 got in and posted a bunch of things.