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Not usually but I read somewhere that it is still possible to have one more period right after pregnancy but only within a certain window(a matter of days). I don't really see how that's biologically possible as the period is the process of emptying the uterus which would be the oposite of what you want to get pregnant so if that is possible it would be extremely uncommon. The way the cycle works(loosely in lamens terms) is that your ovaries release and egg which then goes to the uterus and waits to be ferilized, if its not fertilized it is flushed out of the uterus along with a thin layer of the lining(thus the blood). Kind of like cleaning up after a party so that it'll be ready to go for the next one. If its cleaning house it would clean out the necessary components of the fertilization process but protection is always unless you want it because anything is possible. The more likely possibility if you are pregnant is implantation. about 6-11 days after fertilization the embryo attaches to the uterin lining which can in some cases cause some bleeding though it is usually lighter than a period and just comes a goes instead of being a constant period. consulting your doctor is necessary though to determine for sure whether or not you had an early miscarriage(very common early in the first trimester), implantation, or just a period and a close call.

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Q: Do you get your period that month your egg gets fertilized?
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How can you tell the difference between period and uterus blood?

When you get your period it is uterus blood. Your period is the uterus shedding its lining if you do not get pregnant. All month your uterus builds up its lining for if your egg gets fertilized, and when/if it does not get fertilized, you have your period at the end of the month.

If you release more than egg is it possible that one gets fertilized and the other gives you a period?

No. If the fertilized egg implants, no period will occur.

Can a female get pregnant if she does not have a period?

no. it is not possible because the egg needs to be fertilized by male sperm and if there is not, egg, nothing gets fertilized so, yeah, nope

Why do girls start there period?

Each month an egg is released in a woman's womb. If this egg is not fertilized by a sperm by the end of that month the egg will die off and be realeased through the vagina with the surrounding tissue, thus causing a woman to have a period.

Can you still get your period one month into your pregnancy and not know your pregnant?

No you can not. Since the egg has been fertilized it does not leave the body, therefore there is no period.

How does an egg get fertlized?

in a woman's Virgina a egg can get fertilized. there are two ovaries and each month one egg will get released and if you have sex when you are NOT on your period then the sperm will meet up with the egg and fertilize it.

Where is the egg in a female developed fertilized and where does the fertilized egg develop?

An egg gets fertilized in the fallopian tube by a sperm, then it goes inside of the uterus, and inside the uterus it develops.

What is your conception date if Feb19 is the first day of your last period?

Depends on how long your period is and which day you ovulated, that can change from month to month and between women. It takes about 3 days for a egg to get fertilized.

What are the reasons girls have periods?

Girls have periods as part of their menstrual cycle. When an egg is not fertilized, the egg and uterine lining is expelled from the body once a month which is known as a period.

What stops period while pregnant?

"When an egg is not fertilized, a woman's body removes it via menstruation or having her period. When she gets pregnant, the fertilized egg stays in her body for about nine months as it grows into a baby." a none fertilised egg is released during period, periods don't always stop during pregnancy but it is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy. this is due to the hormone ECG. when you become pregnant the body starts to produce more of this hormone so the levels of ECG become higher. this tells your body that there is a fertilized egg and therefore you are pregnant, so no more eggs need to be released each month which stops a period.

Why do girls have peridos?

About every 4 weeks, a girl that is able to become pregnant has her period. In front of this period, her body gets ready to attach a fertilized egg in the womb. As the egg wanders down and is not fertilized, it will not attach. When the body realizes that the egg did not attach, it gets rid of all preparations for the possible child. This is the actual period. After the period, the cycle starts again to prepare for the next egg. It is sort of a cellular safeguard, making sure that the conditions met for each egg is optimally safe and secure. A crude explanation but mostly to the point.

If the girl is releasing her egg is her period coming?

As long as the egg does not get fertilized it will come.