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As long as the egg does not get fertilized it will come.

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Q: If the girl is releasing her egg is her period coming?
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Is it possible to release a egg 1 day before your period starts?

It's possible to have bleeding a day after ovulation, but unlikely to have a "real" period a day after releasing an egg.

Why are women's periods blood?

Because the egg in "there" is surrounded by blood to protect it and when girls have their period, the blood is the blood protecting the egg and the egg is coming out with it for a new egg to come.

Why do women get their periods?

Hiya, When women gets their period, its a sign that you are able to have babies. -A period is caused by a Egg releasing in your body, as the egg from your overies gets released ready for you to have a baby, but since you dont have sex, the egg isn't being used and gets flushed away -which causes your period [Blood] -Hope this helped.

What does brown spotting and pain mean after your period?

It is probably because you are ovulating (releasing an egg) Lots of people get pain and brown spotting during ovulation, which occurs shortly after your period

Could a girl get pregnant without ever getting her period?

Yes, she could. The period is the body's way of getting rid of an unfertilized egg. So there can be an egg prior to the first period.

Why do you have cramps starting 17 days after your period stopped?

This is probably caused by ovulation (releasing an egg) This occurs around 17 days after your period and many women feel cramps when they are ovulating

Can dizziness tiredness and white discharge be a sign of early pregnancy?

Yes, but they can also be symptoms of ovulation (releasing an egg). take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period

A process of coming out of a egg?

hatchA process of coming out of an egg

Can you have a girl three days before your period?

yes. anyone can conceive at any time as long as there is an egg present with a sperm.

What are the stages of a period?

Most of stages of a period is a dysmenorrhea. When a girl release the egg from their ovaries,The egg will fertilize when a sperm cell comes in contact. Most of ladies who had menstruation they call it a (PMS) -- PreMenstrual System.

Why does a girl get a period?

The girls Vagina releases an egg around every month and if the girl doesnt have unprotected sex and the sperm does not fertilise the egg then the egg is discharged along with the unneccassery vagina lining and out the vagina. Hope it helped ya :) x x

Does each ovary take turns releasing an egg?

no. it can be random. :-)