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Everyone has a right to complain whether that person votes or does not vote. But, maybe if that person had voted, he or she might have nothing to complain about. In any event, I personally believe that people who don't vote should keep their complaints to themselves. If they don't want to participate in our political process of choosing government representatives, then they should not (although they have a right to) complain when those representatives do not act appropriately.

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Q: Do you have a right to complain if you don't vote?
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Why are people not required to vote in a democracy?

have the right to vote but are not forced because we are free. But if u can vote and u dont, then you have no room to complain whos president because you didnt even try to effect who wins.

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If you don't exercise your right to vote, you shouldn't complain about our office holders.

Why do people think they don't have to vote?

Because it is a right and you can chose not to vote if you dont want to. You are not required to vote

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Who votes and who dont vote and why?

A person that is a U. S Citizen, 18 years or older, and has not committed a crime have the right to vote in the U. S. The rigth to vote is a civic duty, if you are not a citizen you do not have that right.

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You dont.

Why did over 80 million people not vote?

People who don't vote give many reasons why they don't. The argument that their vote doesn't count is a falsehood and illogical. This election proved that every vote counts. Just imagine how the result of the election could be different if the 42% who didn't vote had voted. To have a voice in our democracy the ability to vote is so important. People have fought for the right to vote and the excuses for not voting are not valid. No one has the right to complain when they don't vote.

What year did Susan B. Anthony protest for womens right to vote?

i dont know

Do you have to vote if you dont want to?

i dont want to vote is it legal

Does anybody get your vote if you dont vote?

Obviously not , you have to vote for them to get your vote.

Should the US make voting and require all citizens to vote?

The constitution provides for voting all ready. It is a RIGHT and if someone doesn't use the right frankly they have no right to complain about the outcome of an election. They gave away their right pure and simple. In this last election 42% didn't vote so if they had wanted a different outcome they should have voted.

What is suffrage?

The right to vote.