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It depends if it was your property or the university's. Generally, no police can't tamper with evidence or your private belongings.

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Q: Do you have any legal standing in Arizona to get a possession of marijuana case dismissed if university campus Security moved everything around before the police came?
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What counts as possession for marijuana in new york?

having marijuana in ur possession counts everywhere u are

Is possession of marijuana a felony in Nevada?

Possession of narcotics, is illegal in the U.S.A. In Canada, Marijuana is not considered illegal.

What is it when your around someone in possession of marijuana?

Nothing at all. There is absolutely nothing you can be charged with for being with someone in possession of marijuana.

Is possession of marijuana a 1st degree misdemeanor in Florida?

It depends on the amount you are in possession of.

What happen if get a possession ticket?

That depends, possession of what? firearms? marijuana? cocaine? Alcohol?

How do you get out of marijuana possession charge?

U cant

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What does POM stand for in an arrest?

possession of marijuana

What is Marijuana possession in the third degree?

That is going to depend on what legal Jurisdiction you are in. What Country, county, city, etc. , and the amount of Marijuana in your possession the time of your arrest.

Is medical marijuana legal in New Jersey?

Possession of marijuana is illegal in New York. If you are arrested for charges relating to possession of marijuana, the penalties you face will often depend on the amount of marijuana in your possession and the intended use. It's best to be safe and enjoy your trip without taking any chances with marijuana.