

Do you have breast cancer at age 13?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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9y ago

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Im 13 and i think i have Breast cancer, a few months back, i think before the end of 2013 i found a quarter sized lump in my right breast, naturally freaked out i searched the web and someone said it was natural for girls my age, well at the time i was 12, but now its grown to be like a C and i have a smaller one in my left breast as well, im terrified to talk to my mother about it. So i came here to ask. Please help me, im terrifed

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She passed away from breast cancer, at age 47.

How young can a woman get breast cancer?

Cancer in Young WomenAs with most cancers, breast cancer does not discriminate. It affects both men and women, young and old. However, the Cleveland Clinic reports that "only five percent of all breast cancer cases occur in women under 40 years old." Breast cancer in adolescents and teens is extremely rare.

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Rachel Carson was diagnosed with breast cancer, which eventually spread to her liver and bones, leading to her death in 1964.

What is minimum age a woman can suspect breast cancer?

The chances increase dramatically with age. Breast cancer is virtually unheard of before age 20 and extremely rare before 25.

Can a fourteen year old get breast cancer?

Yes, but it is rare. Breast Cancer usually appears at the age of 30-40

What is the average age of breast cancer victims?

Almost all breast cancer cases are after age 30-35. The chance of getting breast cancer in a lifetime is 1/8, the chances before 35 is 1/400, the chance before 25 is like 1/20,000.

When did Shirley Temple have breast cancer?

Shirley Temple knew she had breast cancer, when she found a lump in her left breast. She was around the age of thirteen or seventeen I belive.

Does age affect breast cancer?

As a woman ages, her risk of developing breast cancer rises dramatically regardless of her family history

Can you get breast cancer at the age of fourteen?

Theoretically it's possible, just like anything. But I would be absolutely flabbergasted if you had breast cancer at 14.

Can breast cancer be treated with surgery?

The extent of surgery depends on the type of breast cancer, whether the disease has spread, and the patient's age and health.