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ah, I've had a bruise on my spine for as long as i can remember..

doesn't hurt..don't remember how i got it..but it remains. never really figured out what it was.

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Q: Do you have permanent bruises on your body?
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Bruises are consequence of a contusion and its posterior inflammatory response. This inflammation is influenced by the amount of blood and fat surrounding the area of the contusion. In this case abdominal area and upper limbs have a tendency to bruises easier.

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Their eyes are bloodshot.

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Celiac disease

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You got beat

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I told you they're birthmarks. Leave me alone.

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blood vessels rupturing

You had arthroscopic knee surgery last week how do know what is normal or abnormal bruising?

I am sure you have had a bruise on your body in the past, a black or blue mark that fades to green or yellow before fading altogether. Abnormal bruising is just that, abnormal, bruises that do not behave like normal bruises: black or blue marks that follow veins (infection), bruises so painful that movement is hindered, bruises that have something solid in them, bruises that get larger, bruises of non-bruise colors (red, white), etc.

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Do light bruises heal faster or do dark bruises heal faster?

Light Bruises