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Q: Do you have the same germs as family?
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Are germs microbes?

Yes, germs are a type of microbe. The term "germs" typically refers to microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa that can cause diseases in humans, animals, and plants.

Why does rabbits have germs?

same reason u do

How did germs first form?

At the same time life began on Earth billions of years ago is when germs formed.

Do germs have healthy atoms?

The atoms of germs are neither healthy nor unhealthy. They are the same sorts of atoms we are made of.

How do humans get germs on their body?

Germs are peices of bacteria that are attracted to certain persumes and oils on your body. theirfor when they smell or see the germs on your hands they atrackt. then they spread throughout your body maiking you sick. then eventualy they will spread to your friends, and family by just touching the same doornomb as you did, or anything in his/or her room

Why does the flu quickly pass from one family member to another?

coughing and germs

Can germs jump?

Germs are not like insects--germs do not "jump". But germs have used the normal processes and functions of the human body to be able to spread more germs. For example, sneezing and coughing spreads airborne germs. Other germs can live on objects for several days. So if a person wipes their rear end after a bowel movement but does not wash their hands, then touches the family phone, dishes, and door knobs which other family members also touch, the E-Coli bacteria found in bowel movements (stool) can spread to other people and cause illness. So, coughing and sneezing into a tissue or into the crook of your elbow, and cleaning objects with anti-bacterial cleaners or wipes, can reduce the number of germs we all encounter each day. Handwashing is one of the most important ways to reduce the spread of germs.

What is the role of evolution to biological resistance?

germs which resist the medication can reproduce other germs which have the same genetic makeup because they're not dead...thats how drug resistance starts.

How do dogs get germs?

In the same ways people do, they can be in their food, they can be taken in through a cut, or they can be on anyplace they lick.

What happens if germs get near you?

Nothing. Germs have to be bad germs and have to get into you to harm you.

Do we breathe germs?

Yes, we breathe germs in, and we breathe our own germs out.