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fray means praile or priest and botod is the women they molest and become pregnant.....

in the time when the Spaniards just captured us and they are over lapping there privileged as priest...

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1mo ago

"Fray Botod" is a Filipino novel written by Graciano López Jaena in 1875. It follows the story of Fray Botod, a corrupt and greedy parish priest, who abuses his power and mistreats his parishioners. The novel critiques the abuses within the Spanish colonial church in the Philippines and serves as a call for reform.

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Give the content about fray botod?

fray botod means Fray "prayle/priest" Botod "fat stomach"

Sino ang sumulat ng fray botod?

who are the characters in the story fray botod

Where is the setting of the story Fray Botod?

The setting of the story "Fray Botod" by Grace Chong is in a rural town in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period. It depicts the struggles and conflicts faced by the main character, Fray Botod, a lazy and corrupt friar.

The meaning of fray botod of graciano Lopez jaena?

"Botod" in the poem "Fray Botod" by Graciano Lopez Jaena refers to a naive and foolish character who is represented by a fat monk. The poem critiques the corruption and abuses of power within the church by highlighting the hypocrisy and greed of such individuals. Through the character of Fray Botod, Lopez Jaena satirizes those who use their position of authority for personal gain.

How do you pronounce fray botod?

pronounce it as it is, follow the basic sounds of the letters

What is the summary of the friar botod by graciano Lopez-jaena?

friar botod because he has fat belly that's the meaning of botod

Why did graciano Lopez jaena wrote fray botod?

Graciano Lopez Jaena wrote "Fray Botod" as a satire to criticize the abuses of the Spanish friars in the Philippines during the colonial period. The character Fray Botod represents the corruption and hypocrisy of the Catholic Church clergy. Lopez Jaena used the story to shed light on the injustices and exploitation faced by the Filipino people under Spanish rule.

Why did graciano Lopez jaena wrote the friar botod?

Graciano Lopez Jaena wrote "Fray Botod" as a satire against the abuses of the Spanish friars in the Philippines during the colonial period. The character of Fray Botod represented the corruption and greed of the friars, highlighting the negative impact of Spanish colonial rule on Filipino society.

What do you think to the purpose of LOpez Jaena is writing Fray Botod?

Lopez Jaena's purpose in writing "Fray Botod" was to criticize the abuses and hypocrisy of the Spanish friars in the Philippines during the colonial period. Through satire and humor, he aimed to shed light on the oppression faced by the Filipino people under Spanish rule and advocate for social reform.

What is Ang Fray Botod?

an article written by Graciano Lopez Jaena. It is about the friars abusive doings during the spanish era in the Philippines.

La Hija del Fraile ni graciano?

Lo siento, no dispongo de información sobre "La Hija del Fraile ni Graciano". ¿Puedo ayudarte con alguna otra pregunta?

Mga akdan g naisulat ni graiano Lopez jaena?

ang akdang naisulat ni graciano Lopez jaena ay ang la liga del frade,fray botod,at esperanza.......