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I would say no even if the recipe says yes. It is your personal choice. Will the cupcakes taste better with or without the lemon zest is up to you. You could always test by making one or two cupcakes one with and without the lemon zest and taste if for yourself or have someone else taste it and ask for their opinion on which tastes better.

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Q: Do you have to add lemon zest to cupcakes?
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Zest in a sentence?

Example sentence - I enjoy the flavors more when you add lemon zest.

Is lemon zest the same thing as lemon pepper?

No. Lemon zest is the outer skin (the yellow part) of a lemon. Lemon pepper is a mixture of dried granulated lemon zest and black pepper.

How do you get lemon zest?

Lemon Zest is the outermost(yellowest) part of the lemon skin :)

Does lemon Ajax contain lemon zest or lemon juice?

No, most cleaners use lemon oil which is the substance in lemon zest.

Why is lemon zest used in arroz con leche recipe?

Arroz Con Loche uses lemon zest in the recipe to add the clean, fresh taste of lemon to the recipe. Any citrus fruit is used to replace the ingredient.

Is lemon zest a dairy product?

no, it is the outer skin of the lemon when you scrape it off, it is called "zest"

What is lemon or orange zest?

A zester (tool used to shave the colored portion of the peel) is used to produce tiny shavings. Citrus zest is used to add an aromatic flavoring component to beverages and foods. One of the most popular uses of zest is on top of citrus pies like Lemon Meringue or Key Lime.

How do you eat pasta with butter?

Knife and fork? Add lemon zest and parsley to the butter. It's delicious.

How can you put zest in a sentence?

I use lemon zest when I cook

What is lemon zest?

Lemon zest is gotten from grating skin of a lemon, just the skin, not the pinth on a micro grater or with a lemon zester. You get the esential oil and VERY lemon flavor.

What are the main ingredients used in a common lemon cake?

The main ingredients used in a common lemon cake are- flour, sugar, eggs, oil and lemon. Some people add the rind of the lemon, or zest to add a little more lemon flavor to the cake as well.

How do you store lemon zest?

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