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No, you do not want to be on your period when trying to get pregnant. The best time to try is when you are ovulating. That is half way through your cycle. For example: my cycle length each month is 30 days so the time I'm most likely to conceive is 15 days past the first day of my last period.

No, while you can get pregnant while you are on your period, you must be ovulating to get pregnant. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days after your period...usually.

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Q: Do you have to be on your period to get pregnant I don't want to get prego but I want to have sex if I'm not on my . can I?
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You are too young

Had my Period March 21 through the 25th and on the 26th had intercourse can you be prego?

It all depends on your ovulation cycle.. The first time I got pregnant it was because I had intercourse 2 dayz after my cycle was off.. You might want to take a test in a few weeks..

When you have to use the pills?

when you dont want to get pregnant

Can you be on your period and get pregnant?

I want you to please answer the question''

Can you perform oral on a girl while she is on her period?

yes just dont do it kissing cant get you pregnant.

Can you get pregnant the night before you start your period and the next day have your period?

Yes. You can get pregnant anytime. Always use protection if you do not want to get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant on your period day?

Yes. You can get pregnant anytime. Always use protection if you do not want to get pregnant.

What do you do if you get pregnant and dont want to be?

you can go to the doctors and get a abortion