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no, anyone can choose be scene

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Q: Do you have to be skinny to be a scene kid?
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What defines a scene kid?

A scene kid is defined by choppy rad hair (mostly black or bleach blond with different colors), loves black with bright splashes of color, and skinny jeans. Scene is a style not to be confused with emo. Emo is a state of mind short for emotional.

Where can you buy scene clothes?

I am a scene kid and i shop at Hottopic, Delias and Pacsun. You could also try Wetseal or Spencers! Or any store you can find neon skinny jeans, graphic tees, band tees, tutus, and other cute scene things!

What is an indie kid?

Indie- IndependentIndie Kid refers to the type of person (not necessarily a Kid) who follows the 'Independent' music scene. They therefore tend to act and dress accordingly. (Converse, Skinny Jeans, Band shirts etc.) This is a complete stereotype, similar to an 'Emo' Kid- just different music and lifestyle preferences ect.Indie Kids follow independent music scene, basically :)

What will happen if a kid loses weight?

he will be skinny

What should you do if you are not skinny at all and want to lose weight fast to be like a scene kid?

Most of the scene girls I know are fat. If you want to be a scene boy, don't. It'll be out of fashion soon enough. Also, losing weight quickly is bad for your heart. Try starting a healthy diet and exercise.

How can you turn scene?

Wear black eyeliner and darker colors okay this needs a real EDIT BY A SCENE KID (: lol... wear band T shirts and Neon skinny jeans. Listen to fun happy music if your popcore!! if your HxC youll need to know your scene kings and queens and stay on top of new FASHION.

What does billy the kid look like?

Short skinny and ugly.

What is the scene of Diary of a Wimpy Kid?

That depends on your taste of the best scene

Is it ok to be a scene kid?

I guess?

Was Edward Furlong fat or skinny?

He was a skinny kid but I guess age and the smoking got to him and now he's over-weight.....

What are the lyrics to scene kid scene kid by dot dot curve?

Sorry but it contains too much inappropriate language, to answer your question.

What is the best scene in Diary of a Wimpy Kid?

That depends on your taste of the best scene