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Well someone does. Otherwise the baby will keep bleeding from it and have the placenta dragged after her.

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Q: Do you have to cut the cord when the baby is born?
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Related questions

When should you cut the umbilical cord?

After the baby is born.

What must be cut to separate the baby from the mother after it is born?

The umbilical cord

What must be cut to separate the baby from its mother after it is born?

The umbilical cord

Which part needs to be cut after the baby has been born?

The umbilical cord.

When baby a is born and the umbilical is cut what happen to the rest of the cord that is in the mother?

They would slowly remove the placenta (cord) by pulling it out with a clamp in a certain way after the delivery of the baby.

How do midwifes cut the umbilical cord once a baby is born and what happens when she does cut it off will you or the baby bleed a lot?

I just recently had a baby and i cut the Umbilical cord and i didn't bleed at all they just cut it and its not all there but when you have your next kid you will do the same its smaller but it gets bigger each time you have a kid.

After a baby is born what happens to the rest of the umbilical cord attached in the mother?

The cord is cut and tied (making the baby's belly button). The cord and placenta are usually used to make medicine (gamma globulin).

Explain in a few sentences why you have a belly button?

When a human or animal is pregnant, the baby has to get its food through the umbilical cord. This cord, when the baby is born, is cut off, and then the place where the cord was attached becomes the belly button.

What happens to the umbilical when the baby is born?

Soon after birth the umbilical cord is clamped about 7 to 10mm from the infant's abdomen, the cord is then cut, separating the new born from the placenta. The baby will wear a cord tie or a plastic cord clamp until the cut edge has sufficiently sealed. The remaining cord stump will continue to dry for about 7 to 10 days when it will naturally drop off, the remnant becoming one's belly button.

When baby animals are born are they connected to the mother with an umbilical cord If so how is it cut?

The umbilical cord can break in the course of the birth or be removed as the mother cleans her newborns.

How does a baby get oxygen once the waters break?

The oxygen still comes through the placenta and umbilical cord just as it has all pregnancy. The cord and placenta are within the bag and attached to the mother so nothing changes in that regard. The supply of oxygen is only cut off from this source when the cord is cut, after the baby has been born for a while, or if the cord or placenta are damaged or constricted.

What is a sentence using the word umbilical cord?

the baby wailed when the doctor cut it's umbilical cord