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You can skip your period for as long as you like (there is no maximum) or not at all, depending on your preferences.

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You can just do 9. 12 is the maximum.

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Q: Do you have to do the NuvaRing skip-period-regimen for 12 weeks in a row or can you do just 9 then have your period?
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Is it normal to skip the first period after using the nuvaring?

Breakthrough bleeding may last for days or weeks when you skip a period with hormonal birth control. Typically, it just lasts for a few days.

I just started NuvaRing first time and put it in when I started my period like I was told now my period stop is that normal?

Yes, inserting the first NuvaRing will often shorten a woman's period.

How does NuvaRing work?

NuvaRing remains effective for up to four weeks after inserting it. If you leave it in for the four weeks, though, be sure to insert the next ring at the end of the four weeks; don't take a ring-free week unless you had it in for just three weeks.

Does the NuvaRing stop your period right away?

Inserting NuvaRing during your period is likely to slow bleeding, but it may not stop altogether. Starting NuvaRing during the first five days of bleeding gives immediate pregnancy protection.

Can you leave NuvaRing in for four weeks?

Check this associated website, or just Google NuvaRing I just started the Nuva ring and leave it in for 4 weeks and then insert a new one. After talking to my doctor, she told me that the Nuva ring was approved by the FDA to be used continiously. The Nuva Ring is good for 34 days, if I remember correctly. So I have not had a period for the last 2 months. It has been great!

Can I take nuvaring out early to have my period?

Yes, but if you're doing so just to prove you're not pregnant, reconsider. Just take a pregnancy test instead, and continue using the NuvaRing on schedule. If you're trying to change the date of your period, just use the NuvaRing without taking the week-long break, rather than stopping the NuvaRing early and putting yourself at risk of pregnancy. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation. If you want to stop NuvaRing, it's fine to remove it early. There's no other reason that I can think of in which removing NuvaRing early makes sense.

When does your period stop after inserting NuvaRing?

Yes, stopping NuvaRing will normally cause bleeding. Just as you bleed when you remove NuvaRing after three weeks, you will have withdrawal bleeding after you stop NuvaRing permanently. Your regular menstrual pattern should restart within four to six weeks.

If you start your period while the NuvaRing is in does this mean you have done something wrong?

the same thing just happened to me, and I was really upset but I called organon, they said its perfectly normal, especially if i started using nuvaring recently.

Do you need to use a second form of birth control when you have your period but the NuvaRing is in at this time?

You have the same protection from NuvaRing with or without bleeding. Using a second method can increase protection, but it's not required just because you're bleeding.

You were on the nuvaring for 2 months and then tried Yaz for only 10 days about one week after that you had a very small period and now 5 weeks later nothing - is it just due to the bc?

You could have a missed period from birth control or from pregnancy. Since you're not on birth control now and have a missed period, you should take a pregnancy test.

Do you need to wait a full period before i put the next NuvaRing in?

You should insert the next NuvaRing on schedule, regardless of bleeding. You don't decide when to put in the next one based on how many days or how heavily you're bleeding, you just use the calendar.

What can happen if you leave NuvaRing in for a week?

Yes. The Nuva Ring has enough hormones to last up to 35 days, or 5 weeks. Leaving it in for 4 weeks is perfectly healthy and equally as effective for preventing pregnancy. Leaving it in for 4 weeks and skipping your period is fine, but it should not be left in for more than 4 weeks at a time.