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Not necessarily. It depends on what kind of cheats your doing. If your getting certain objects like laptops, changing food, and so on then yes. But if your just trying to max out motives or gie your sim more money then no .

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Q: Do you have to download The Sims 2 modder cheat for Sims 2?
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What Sims 2 game gets you the Sim Modder?

Sims 2 nightlife gets you the sim modder. I've just downloaded sims 2 nightlife and now I can get it, whereas I couldn't before ^^

What is the cheat for baby clothes on sims 2?

There is no cheat to get baby clothes you have to download them from places like Mod the Sims.

How do you get the sim modder on the normal Sims 2?

You press Ctrl Shift C at the same time and type in the cheat "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" then "exit" if the cheat box is still there. You shift click a sim and click "spawn" "other" and "sim modder" should be around there. When you click on sim modder a baby looking thing should show up.

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There isn't a cheat code for quads. You'll have to download a mod.

What is a hair cheat for Sims 2 PC?

There is no such thing as a hair cheat. If you want more hairstyles or colors you have to download them.

Why won't the Sim Modder work?

im pretty sure u need the sims nightlife- iv been trying 2 get the sims modder 2 work and i cant because i don't have the nightlife :( i hope to get it soon though :D

On sims 2 double deluxe is there a cheat to get teens pregnant or to act like adults?

Well there is no cheat,but you can download a special folders for that and they can get pregnant!And kids also!Sick.But It depends all from the latest version of Sims 2 you have

How do you download The Sims 2 celebration stuff with out The Sims 2?

you cant download the sims 2 celebration stuff with out the sims 2

How do you get the cheat Inteenimater for sims 2?

the insimenator is my favorite download ever for the sims 2 it can be found here:,100226.0.html

What is the cheat code for McDonald's on The Sims 2 and 3?

There is no cheat for Mcdonalds in the Sims 2 or 3

Is there a cheat code for a beach on The Sims 2 and 3?

No, there are no cheats, and if you really want to you can search for a download for the sims 2 to have a beach, but it will most likely just be for looks, meaning it will not be a real, functional beach. i recommend that you purchase the sims 2 bon voyage expansion pack for the sims 2. it's well worth it, and you can have a beach. as for the sims 3, there is no download or expansion that has a beach that i know of.

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how do i get the stair cheat to work for the sims 2 ps2