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You press Ctrl Shift C at the same time and type in the cheat "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" then "exit" if the cheat box is still there. You shift click a sim and click "spawn" "other" and "sim modder" should be around there. When you click on sim modder a baby looking thing should show up.

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Q: How do you get the sim modder on the normal Sims 2?
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What Sims 2 game gets you the Sim Modder?

Sims 2 nightlife gets you the sim modder. I've just downloaded sims 2 nightlife and now I can get it, whereas I couldn't before ^^

Why won't the Sim Modder work?

im pretty sure u need the sims nightlife- iv been trying 2 get the sims modder 2 work and i cant because i don't have the nightlife :( i hope to get it soon though :D

How Do you get The Sims 2 sim modder?

Click CTRL+SHIFT+C type in "boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true" Shift+click on sim Click Spawn Click Sim Modder Baby appears Click baby, then click on what you want to change HOWEVER this may not work unless you downloaded sims "nightlife" x

Is there a cheat on sims 2 to make sims age younger?

Type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true (exactly that way) and click on your Sim whilst holding down shift. Click on the button that says 'Spawn' and then go to the second page of 'Spawn'. There will be a button that says Sim Modder, click on that and Sim Modder will appear as a baby. Click on it and choose age, then click on what age you want. It will make them that exact age, but will change the hair and makeup. Hope this helps (:

How do you turn an alien sim back into normal in The Sims 2 PC game?

You can't turn an alien sim back to normal in the sims 2 for the pc. They really aren't different from regular sims except for that they have green skin and maybe even black eyes.

How do you get more wants on the sims 2 PC version?

well you either need to get sims 2 university and complete unior type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true into the cheat boxshift + click on your sim and click spawnclick on sim modder and a baby doll will pop upclick on it and select wants and fearsyou can take it from herehope this helps.

Do you have to download The Sims 2 modder cheat for Sims 2?

Not necessarily. It depends on what kind of cheats your doing. If your getting certain objects like laptops, changing food, and so on then yes. But if your just trying to max out motives or gie your sim more money then no .

How do you make aliens on Sims 2 deluxe edition PC?

have two sims fall in love. you can do this the normal way or open the cheat box with CRTL SHIFT C then use the cheat boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and right-clicking on a sim and choosing the option "spawn" then click on the "sim modder". a standing baby should appear next to your sim. with the sim modder, you can make sims love each other in the relationships section. then, have them get pregnant by woohooing or right0click on a sim again and this time choose the "Tombstone of the L and D". a tombstone will appear next to your sim. click on it and choose more options and you'll find the genetic merger or have a baby option, but next to it should be the option have an alien child. click on that and you are pregnant with an alien. type forcetwins and see if you have two alien babies.

How do you stop the reaper in sims 2?

I have been playing the Sims 2 for a long time so I know how to help you. The Sims 2 For Computers ______________________ Just keep your sims as happy as they can be. If you need help, hold Shift-Ctrl-C and type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. Then, hold down Shift and click on a sim. Click Spawn...More...Sim Modder. From there, you can click on the Sim Modder (Disguised As A Baby) and you can make their needs go up by clicking Motives...All Sims...Max All. The Sims 2 For Playstation ______________________ I've been playing this on Playstation 2 for a while (Sorry if you meant a Playstation 3) and there is no cheat. You just have to keep their needs as high as they can go. For example, if your sim is bored, tired, and uncomfortable, buy a couch and a television. Turn the television on and take a nap on the couch. This will make all three of the needs rise. PLEASE NOTE: By napping on the couch, it will make MOST of your sim's sleep motive rise. NOT ALL OF IT. Hope This Helped You Out -FemaleKickboxer O3O

What is sims 2 life stories?

The Sims 2 Life Stories is similar to the regular Sims 2. You may play in a free-style mod which is the normal Sims. You may also play in the live of an already made Sim. This Sim has particular needs that have to be fulfilled to move on to the next level.

How can you make youself a sim in The Sims 2?

Yes you can make yourself a sim in the sims 2.

Is there any vampires cheats to be come one in sims 2?

boolProp textingcheatsEnabled true in the box that appears when yoou hold crtl shift and c . hold shift when you click your sim and make a vampire should appear somewhere in the chooses or its in the sim modder baby.