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Q: Do you have to get teeth pulled if you get braces and haven't lost all of your baby teeth?
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Can you get braces after you have had teeth pulled?

In order to receieve braces you need to have lost all of your baby teeth. The answer to your question is yes, I know of a couple people who had to get adult teeth pulled to get braces. So yes.

Do you have to always have teeth out if you get braces?

Yes, all of your teeth must be fully grown in to get braces. Braces are glued to each individual tooth. Therefore, if one tooth were to fall out while the wearer had braces, the new tooth would be unaffected by the braces.

What can be done about permanent teeth growing through pallet and not the gums where the baby teeth came out?

Usually when teeth are growing on the palate instead of where the baby teeth were, they need to be extracted(pulled). Sometimes if it isn't very severe, an orthdontist can fix the problem with braces.

How many teeth do you have to lose for braces?

You need to have lost all of your baby teeth and all of your grown up teeth need to have if not fully but almost fully come in. That is completley false, i have got braces and i have a baby tooth still, what they do is that they don't put a thing on that tooth and they give you 3 months to wobble your baby tooth out.

What do dentists do when you get braces and you still have baby teeth?

Braces on baby teeth can be used to make room for incoming teeth if there isn't enough room naturally. Sometimes a kid will not have certain baby teeth or will lose them earlier than normal and the space will close, and braces or extractions may be necessary to make room for the permanent teeth

What if kids teeth are coming out and their baby teeth are still in?

Get the teeth pulled

Do people often have teeth pulled while braces are on there teeth?

If everything is just right, there is no need, but sometimes it is done. They usually only pull them if they are baby teeth, to make room for things to move around. Baby teeth don't hurt as bad to have removed. It will just be tender for the first day or two.

When baby teeth are almost falling could they put braces on?


Is it bad to still have baby teeth at age eleven?

I'm 12 and I still have 2 baby teeth. But I'm getting them pulled tomorrow then next week im getting spacers then 3 days later getting braces(:

Do you need all baby teeth out whilst having braces?

They will be out by then, there is no point moving no permanent teeth

What happens when you have your braces and your baby teeth falls out?

if your baby teeth falls out, it doesn't matter because it was going to fall out anyway. the whole point of braces are to make your teeth tighten and get them straight so when it was tightening your teeth, i think it caused your baby teeth to wobble and fall. but its ok because at least its not your adult teeth so dont worry! :)

Should you get braces?

Once all of your baby teeth have fallen out and grown in!