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Likely not, since you will be putting your life in danger.

If your governor has declared a state of emergency, it would be illegal for you to travel to work (unless you were an emergency worker who was exempted.)

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Q: Do you have to go to work during a hurricane?
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Where do you go if there is a hurricane and no underground?

You should not go underground in a hurricane. Going underground increases you risk of drowning. During a hurricane you should be on the second floor of a sturdy structure.

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federalism never works, why would it work then

Why is it not safe to go outside during a hurricane?

The powerful winds of a hurricane can knock you down or throw debris into you.

What is a hurricane shelter?

a place where you can go during a hurricane if u dnt feel comfortable in ur own home

What supplies to have during a hurricane?

I would recommend lots of food and water, a battery powered radio and a place to go after the hurricane.

Where is the best resortvacation for a sweet 16?

Go to Florida during Hurricane season.

Where is the best place to hide if there is a hurricane?

If you are unable to evacuate, the best place to go during a hurricane is a sturdy building on high ground. Stay away from windows. Do NOT go underground or to a basement: the biggest killer in a hurricane is flooding.

Is it safe to go in a basement during a hurricane?

No. The most dangerous part of a hurricane is flooding. Being in a basement will only increase your chance of drowning.

What happens during a hurricane tell me in a long sentence?

Everyone either gets flooded and die or they go away when they here that a hurricane will come to KILL them ALL!

Where to hide during hurricane with no basement?

During a hurricane you should not go to a basement, even if you can easily get to one. The greatest danger in a hurricane is flooding, and going underground increases your chances of drowning, The best place to be is in a bathroom or closet away from windows. If you have a second floor in your house you should be prepared to go to the second floor if water enters your home.

What is a good sentence for hurricane?

i highbernated during hurricane sandy