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This depends on where you live and if either parent is making a claim through the government dept eg: IRD (New Zealand). Both parents are able to claim against each other in this process and the difference in amounts calculated because of previous years earnings is paid to the parent who earnt the least.

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Depends on the jurisdiction, but in general, yes, it can happen.

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Q: Can you be ordered to pay child support if the other parent makes more money than you and you have shared parenting?
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Should a father pay child suppport when he has shared parenting he is the residental parent and carry's the health insurance?

Whether he should, morally the answer would be no. However, this does not preclude cases where the mother earns considerable less, so he is still ordered to pay. Child support is for the children's support which is also needed when the children are with the mother. This should have been addressed by the court at the time of the support award.

You have shared parenting with no relocation can she move the kids anyways?

"Shared parenting with no relocation" means no. Take it to the authorities.

Can one parent keep you from seeing your children in the state of Texas?

Not if you have court ordered visitation rights or shared custody.

What is shared parenting?

Here is a short paragraph from an article about shared parenting: "Shared parenting is the term used to describe a situation where parents are separated, but still sharing the responsibilities of raising a child together. Shared parenting is usually stressful for parents, because they must remain in contact, on a close basis, with someone they no longer want as an intimate part of their lives. Shared parenting can be difficult for a child as well, because he or she may feel torn between the two parents. For shared parenting to work, the adults must agree to put the child at first priority. "

Does shared physical custody with grandparents affect child support paid to custodial parent?


What if both parents have shared custody do you have to pay child support?

Child support laws vary from country to country, state to state etc. Quite often, even in a shared custody arrangement, the parent that earns more money may pay some child support to the other parent to equal out the living standards.

Child support percentage's in new mexcio?

They don't use a percentage system. The basic child support obligation is determined using a worksheet, based on the combined gross income of the parents. You'll use one worksheet to determine child support when you have basic visitation, and another worksheet when you have shared responsibility. "Basic visitation" means one parent has physical custody and the other parent has visitation less than 35% of the time; and "Shared responsibility" means each parent provides a suitable home for the children of the parties, when the children spend at least 35% of the year in each home and the parents significantly share the duties, responsibilities and expenses of parenting.

If your divorce papers say you and your ex have shared parenting bi weekly what does that mean exactly?

Half the week with one parent and half with the other. Bard Nest would be better. see link

What is shared legal custody mean?

Shared legal custody means that both parents have equal rights to make decisions regarding the child. One parent may have physical custody with the non-physical-custody parent paying child support.

When Shared parenting is not working?

When one parent makes important decisions for the children without consulting the other parent and withholds important information from the other parent. When they purposely try to interfere with the other parent's time with the childern - telling them they don't have to go and making arrangements with them during your "scheduled" time with the children and not consulting you first......the list goes on - going through it now.

Can a non-custodial parent sign school permission slips and authorization for medical treatment at a daycare and things of that nature?

Non custodial parent does not mean the parent has no custody. One parent has primary custodial and the other parent has secondary custodial. Unless you have sole custody of the child you should also have a shared parenting agreement. Neither parent should do anything without notifying the other party, except for emergencies. If there is no agreement in place, get one. Both parents should be involved in the parenting decision of the chid. Remember, you both brought this child into the world. It doesn't happen alone.

In Ohio are you required to take your child to extracurricular activities set up by your former spouse if you have shared parenting?

You need to review your shared parenting plan that was approved by the court. This issue should be addressed in that plan.If you want to share parenting then you should also share extracurricular activities as long as they are reasonable. They are extremely important to children and the custodial parent shouldn't have all the responsibility associated with them. Besides, you wouldn't want your child to miss out and fall behind because you, the other parent, didn't want to take the time to participate. You need to ask yourself this question: Should my child have to give up extracurricular activities because of my divorce?