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Q: Do you have to put lava rocks at the bottom of the gas grill for protection of the heat?
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What is the relationship between heat flow and seafloor elevation and why?

Heat Flow is a measure of the amount of heat leaving the rocks of the lithosphere, while seafloor a seabed in the bottom of the ocean. Because all the heat leaves the rocks when at the bottom of an ocean :)

Can I convert a large charcoal grill to propane?

Propane grills generally have a layer of lava rock in the bottom to hold and spread the heat. There is usually a large hole in the bottom of the grill that charcoal would fall through after they had burned for a while.

What happens to the heat in a grill?

ask the inventor of the grill

How do you put rocks in the pit in virtual villagers 4?

Go to the bottom of the stairs (underneath the research area) and there will be a pile of rocks, then you drag a villager on the pile and then they will heat a rock.

Which oven is best to buy for home purpose grill or convection?

The best oven is a versatile one. Modern general-purpose household ovens support a choice of top heat, bottom heat, grill and convection, typically in combinations (e.g. combined convection and grill, etc). A pure grill is probably the least versatile oven, so facing the choice between grill and convection oven, the choice would be a convection oven without a doubt.

Explain why you can feel the heat from a grill?

heat raises

Why you can feel the heat from a grill?

because it has heat and u feel heat

Is every type of rock made with heat and pressure?

No. Metamorphic rocks are formed from existing rocks by the action of heat and pressure. Igneous rocks are formed when liquid magma (or lava) cools and sets. Sedimentary rocks are formed when solid particles sink to the bottom of bodies of water, and gradually get compressed together by later sediments.

Are sedimetary rocks formed from heat and pressure?

Sedimentary rocks are formed from buildup of sediment, or particles of dirt and organic debris and things like that. Think of sedimentary rocks like the bottom of a river bed- stuff builds up on top until it becomes hard and solid- a rock, so pressure is a factor, but not necessarily heat. It is usually metamorphic rocks that involve both heat and pressure.

Could heat melt rocks?

Yes heat could melt rocks

What rocks are formed by the effect of heat and pressure on other rocks?

the metamorphic rocks are formed by heat and extreme pressure from other rocks

Rocks are classified by what criteria?

Most simply, rocks are classified by how they are formed:igneous rocks are made by the setting of molten magma or lavasedimentary rocks are made when grains weathered from existing rocks settle to the bottom of water bodies, then get buried and compressed into rocksmetamorphic rocks are made by the effects of heat and pressure on existing rocks, which cause them to recrystallise without melting.