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Q: Do you have to put the nice side of the fence towards your neighbor?
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The neighbor is putting up a jagged fence and the nice side is facing his property can he do this?

If your neighboring is putting up a jagged fence and the nice side is facing his property, he can do this if the fence lies on his property. The neighbor can put up the fence of his choice.

Which side should a close-board fence be positioned Best side in neighbors or owners What if they are paying half as they want the fence changed but the existing one is still ok?

The law requires that the best side (the side without all the wooden posts showing) be towards the neighbor. it makes no difference if they are paying half, because the law requires that the owner of the fence follow the law. in other words, the fence is on your land, and therefore, the best side must be towards the neighbor. The law protects not only the neighbor, but future buyers of your neighbor's property.

What is the definition of a good neighbor fence?

It is a fence with alternating slats on each side of the fence. The idea is for the fence to be attratcie on both sides.

I have a rental property. The trash can dent the fence which face my side. My neighbor fix the fence and send me the bill. Do I have to pay for it?

No. If the neighbor never talked to you prior to fixing the fence, quantum meruit does not apply.

What side of fence is mine?

Actually both! The Inside is yours the outside is your neighbor's

Can neighbor use fence on your property?

If a neighbor wanted to install a fence the fence has to be on the neighbors property entirely. Not half the fence on your side and half on the neighbors side. There are also zoning regulations that deal with issues like this. Some counties will not allow a fence to be over five feet tall and they have to be constructed using only approved materials. I know that in my neighborhood metal fences are against code and they can only be constructed using fence block. If I were you I would call the city planning office and ask them, they will have a definitive answer. Who knows, maybe the fence was put up without the proper permits and your neighbor has to take the entire thing down.

Is it legal to destroy a grapevine on your neighbor's side of the fence?

If the grapevine is growing onto your property, you can trim that growth back, but you cannot destroy anything that is on your neighbor's side of the fence. You must also offer your neighbour the prunings back as they belong to him/her.

Should I ask my neighbor to care for his side of the wood fence that we share?

Yes, if he put the fence up, he should be the one to maintain it.

Can you paint a neighbor's wall on your side?

Perhaps you have mixed up your words in your question. It makes sense if read as, "If you painted your side of your neighbor's wood fence can the neighbor make you replace it with a new wood fence?" If that is the case, you had no right to paint your neighbor's fence without their permission and the answer to your question is they can sue you in court for damaging their property.If they sue you in court and prevail, they have the right to be restored to the position they were in before you damaged their property. If the fence is new the court may award enough damages to cover a new fence. If the fence is older, the court may pro-rate the value. While your neighbor cannot make you replace the fence, the court can and you may have the added burden of legal expenses. You should try to negotiate a friendly agreement to resolve the issue either by repainting the fence to please your neighbor or perhaps offering to share the cost of a new fence.As a lifetime lesson, it is more prudent to let the neighbor know your intentions, even if it is your side of the fence, or if you think you are doing them a favor.

Can my neighbor come onto my property to weed his fence?

Different countries have different laws, but in many countries the answer would be no, not without your permission. However, if your neighbor is willing to keep your side of the fence tidy, why would you want to stop him?

How do i stop a neighbor from stopping me from repairing and painting my fence on his side?

Call the police! If it's on your side, you have every right to make changes to it.

Can a neighbor pick your fruits off your tree that's hanging on their property?

Yes, if the fruit is on their side of the fence.