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No. The smallest item I have had to remove was my watch.

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Q: Do you have to remove earrings at the metal detector at airport?
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Related questions

How do you find Lost earrings?

With a metal detector.

Will phone cases set off the metal detector at the airport?

If there is metal in the case it is possible that your phone case will set off the metal detector. It's always best to remove personal items before going through the metal detector. Unless the phone case has metal in it, it will most likely not go off in a metal detector. But, now airports have full body scanners and all personal items are asked to be removed.

Do you have to remove your rings when you go through a metal detector?

Yes, or it will go off and they will make you remove them anyways, because most rings are made of metal.

What are the difference between sensor and metal detector?

metal detector is sensor

Does a metal detector detect silver?

If you are talking about metal detector that you buy as a hobby for finding things then yes of course it will. But security metal detectors are adjusted so they aren't usually set off by something like earrings or a ring if that is what you mean. Though if you have a lump of silver in your pocket I imagine you would set off any metal detector. There are many instances of metal detectors detecting silver. Some of the largest treasure finds in the UK were hordes of silver coins found by people using metal detectors.

What metal can a metal detector detect?

A metal detector can detect all types of metal....depending on in what type of soil it is in.

When was the metal detector made?

The metal detector was invented in 1931 by Gerhard Fisher.

How do you bypass a metal detector with weed on you?

A metal detector will not find vegetable matter.

Is there a metal detector guy on the beach?

Depends on if he's a quantum "metal detector guy". If he is, then maybe.

How do you find the best metal detector?

Look for the metal detector with the most discoveries and deepest penetration.

Metal detector model zalota from Russia?

is there any metal detector company by the name "Zealot"

Can you walk through a metal detector with your inhaler in your pocket without the metal detector going off?

it depends if the inhaler is metal