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I don't think there is any "adoption" classes however, I would expect that you'd have to attend a parenting class. It might also depend on your state so ask an adoption agency

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Q: Do you have to take adoption classes to adopt a baby?
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Yes you can. To do so, take out your Sim's phone and select 'Call for Services'. Then, click 'Adoption Service'. Finally, select the gender and the age of the child you want. After that, you just need to wait.

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They would have zero rights to the child however that does not mean they couldn't adopt the baby if they wanted to. Grandparents would have to go through the courts and prove they are able to take care of the child in question.

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No, as the payor has to approve the adoption

How does a couple go about adopting a baby in New York?

Adopting a baby is no easy task to be taken lightly . You first need a lawyer and lots of research into what kind of agency you would like to use. The main one is the New York Stat Adoption Agency you can call them to find out of there any foster kids needing adoption . You can also use personal ads to advertise that you are looking to adopt a child . Adoption can take a very long time to do depending on what you are looking for.

Is adoption popular in America?

Adoption is a long, hard process that can take many years. However, there are many couples and single parents who would be willing to adopt. You can look to an international or local agency.

What are all the types of classes you can take for a baby?

There are parenting classes, and classes for parents and infants to exercise together.

Should you take the baby to term and then do adoption?

If you are unable to care for this baby yourself, adoption is a viable option. You may wish to choose a family who will allow some contact through the years.