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Q: Do you have to use oil in your RC car shocks?
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Related questions

Can you put a brushed motor in a brushless RC car?

Yes, as long as you replace everything except the frame, body, tires, and shocks.

Can you use the same gas in your nitro gas RC truck as you use in your regular car?

No you can not nitro rc's take a very special kind of fully they are mixed with oil and some other ingredients. if you want to use the same gas as in your regular car. I recommend buying a BAJA 5B SS or something of the sort. the only thing that you will have to do is mix the fuel with 2 stroke oil.

Can you use a RC car remote with a RC boat?

yes, as long as the crystals are the same

What is the difference between a petrol or a nitro RC car?

One difference is that a nitro RC car runs on nitromethane and a petrol one runs on a mixture of petrol or gasoline and oil. Another is a nitro RC car will run longer on a gallon of fuel.

Can you use regular gas in a nitro gas RC car?


What is the use of a cheap nitro RC car?

A cheap nitro remote control car can allow you to get into the hobby of RC cars easily as the cars can be quite expensive. Once you have your cheap nitro RC car, fuel will be your biggest expense.

what is the most durable brand of RC car?

BRP 1/18 scale Mini RC Racers is the most durable brand of RC Car. They last for years even if you use them allot.

Should you get a RC car or heli?

Rc car.

Is the micro t RC car durable?

I've seen on reviews of it, I'm saving up to get one. the shocks are overbored! but it is very derable. don't beleeve me? go to youtube and see for yourself :)

Nitro gas RC car run on?

You answered it yourself. Nitro fuel Is used ( methane fuel and oil mixture)

An RC car requires what type of battery?

Depends on the Rc car

What is the top speed of a RC car?

It depends what RC car you have stupid