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Q: Do you have your confirmation at the same time as your first holy communion?
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Is Eucharist the same as Holy Communion?

Yes, in the Catholic Church, the Eucharist and Holy Communion refer to the same thing; although the Eucharist not only refers to His abiding presence in Holy Communion, it may also refer to the Real Presence or the Sacrifice of the Mass.

Is the Communion reflection the same as the Prayer after Communion?

Catholic AnswerNo, the Prayer after Holy Communion is in the Missal. The Communion "reflection" is something that the priest is making up.

What goes first baptism or confirmation?

It depends on when your diocese has chosen to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation. In the United States, Confirmation can be celebrated anywhere between the age of reason (7 yrs) and age 16. So, if your diocese celebrates Confirmation in the second or third grade, then it will come before First Communion. But, if your diocese celebrates Confirmation in the eighth grade, then it would come after First Communion.

What helps celebrate the unity of the Sacraments of Initiation?

Catholic AnswerThe Sacraments of Initiation, baptism, confirmation, and Holy Eucharist, are normally received all at once except in the case of infants in the Western Church. In the Eastern Church, these sacraments are all received by an infant, at the same time: the priest confirms the infant immediately after Baptism, and then gives Holy Communion. In the Western Church, the three sacraments are still received together by adults coming into the Church at the Easter Vigil. Those who are not baptized, are baptized, then confirmed, then, later in the Mass, receive their first Holy Communion. Is in only in the case of infants in the Western Church where the sacraments of initiation have been set apart and are usually given Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, - in that order.

What are the sacraments for the Catholics?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe seven sacraments of the Church are Baptism, Confirmation, and the Most Holy Eucharist known as the sacraments of initiation. Penance, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick, or Unction.

What are the requirements of the Sacrament of Confirmation?

Roman Catholic AnswerYou must be a baptized Catholic. You should have made your First Holy Communion. There are some eastern Rites that Baptize and Confirm infants at the same time and immediately give them Holy Communion, I'm discussing Latin Rite Catholics here. Finally, you should be of an age where you choose to be confirmed, have been instructed sufficiently in the faith, and have recently made a good confession. If you receive the sacrament when you are in a state of mortal sin, you do not receive the grace of the sacrament. It is still given, but the grace will not be there while you are in a state of sin.

What is the sacraments of initiation?

The Sacraments of Initiation is the common name within the Roman Catholic Church for the Sacraments Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. There Sacraments are not limited to the Roman Catholic Church though. In the first Sacrament - Baptism, our sins are forgiven and we become children of God, welcomed into the Church, and it is the beginning of our participation in the life of Christ. In Confirmation, the second Sacrament of initiation we are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and we affirm the vows made for us at our baptism. We enter into our adult life in the Church. The Eucharist (Holy Communion)is the third Sacrament of Initiation. Through it we honor Christs death and sacrifice on the cross. We actually receive Jesus through Holy Communion. It gives us the grace to continue and carry out our lives in the Church and community and help others.

What were the 7 sacraments of the roman catholic church that were central to medieval christian belief?

Catholic answerIt's just the Catholic Church, not the Roman Catholic Church. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is rarely used by the Catholic Church. .The seven sacraments are the same today as they were back then, and they have always been central to Christian belief, whether ancient, medieval, or modern:BaptismPenance (or Confession)ConfirmationHoly EucharistMatrimonyHoly OrdersAnointing (Extreme Unction)The Catholic Church further groups them in this way:-The Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist)-Sacraments of Healing (Penance/Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick)-Sacraments at the Service of Communion (Holy Matrimony and Holy Orders)

Could you get you daughter baptized and make her holy communion in the same year?

In most denominations, a person who is baptized not as an infant is also able to receive communion. Often this occurs on the same day.

Who can receive Holy Communion in the Catholic Church?

Baptism:Anyone who wishes to become a Catholic.---- Confession:Anyone Catholic who wishes to be cleansed of sin.---- Holy Communion:Anyone who is baptised, is of proper age, believes in the real presence of Christ, and wishes to receive it.---- Confirmation:Anyone who is of proper age, demonstrates proper knowledge, and wishes to be a full Catholic.---- Marriage:Two Catholic people of different gender who wishes to become one in serving God.---- Holy Orders:A confirmed Catholic who wishes to dedicate themselves to God and shows the proper knowledge.---- Annointing of the Sick:A Catholic who wishes to have his last rites before he dies.

Is reconciliation the same as confirmation?

No, reconciliation is about confessing your sins and being forgiven by God or 'reconciled' with God. confirmation is about strengthening the faith you have with God and the Holy spirit

What day is Holy Communion not distributed?

The only day holy communion is not distributed is on Good Friday, the same day there is no mass. The only church on Good Friday is the adoration, which doesn't include communion and isn't counted as mass. It is a "continuation" of the mass on Holy Thursday, which isn't ended until the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday.Correction:Communion is distributed on Good Friday using hosts consecrated at the Mass on Holy Thursday. It is not distributed on Holy Saturday until the vigil Mass that evening.