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Q: Do you lose your sense of smell during sleep?
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Do people really lose their sense of smell when they are asleep?

No. That doesn't make any sense, does it? While we sleep a lot of our sensory information goes to our dreams, it takes a strong jolt to wake us up, whether it be a smell, bright flash, loud sound, etc. If that were the case, then smelling salts wouldn't wake people up, either.

What would happen if you damaged cranial nerve one?

You may alter or lose your sense of smell.

What function do you lose if you damage the temporal lobe?

Sense of smell and sound, speech, vision and memory.

Why can't you taste without a sense of smell?

The senses of smell and taste are closely interrelated, and one definitely does affect the other to some extent.Although they are extremely closely related you will not loose your sense of taste if you lose your sense of smell it will just be extremely mild. You dont reallz lose your sense of taste physiologically instead psychologically you would find food less tast, not because your sense of taste is affected but because 80% of what we consider to be tasty food comes from how they smell.(1) On April 29, 2008 at 3:07 am User:Patty_Robb[0] said:I have lost my sense of smell since about ten years ago. It has gotten progressively worse. At first I would have phantom smells or if someone suggested a smell I would smell it for hours. I now do not even have a memory of smells and have lost my sense of taste as well.

What is it like to lose a sense?

It's kind of like losing a limb. It sucks. Trust me, I know from experience, I have lost my right arm to whaling and my sense of smell due to sniffing my cousins armpit too much. Life without a sense is really tough and you never want to experience it. I now have a smelling aid surgically inserted into my nose, it hurts a lot, but it's worth the miracle of smell.

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Can a ferret lose its sense of smell?

A ferret could possibly lose their sense of smell from an illness.

What sense do you lose first?


Can you lose your sense of smell from smoking too much weed?

If you blow any smoke out of your nose it will damage it. You can and will lose your sense of smell and a lot of your sense of taste.

What happens when your sense of smell goes bad?

When you lose your sense of smell you begin to lose taste too. This happens because a large portion of your taste comes from smell.

What is the second sense you lose during the dying process?

(p) touch > sight > hearing > taste> smell > telekinesis

When do you lose your sense of smell?

The sense of smell is generally lost between ages 70-80. Also, it must be noted that it will be lost but not by some.

Did Stevie Wonder lose his sense of smell?


Why did whales lose their sense of smell?

nobody knows

What do you think happen if you lose your sense of smell and taste?


How does the working of your sense of smell affect your sense of taste?

Think about when you get a stuffy nose. When you lose your sense of smell it impairs your sense of taste.

The nose knows smell but how about taste?

If you lose your sense of smell your sense of taste generally goes with it, since the two senses are closely linked.

Can you temporarily lose your sense of smell but can still taste while that is going on even without a cold?

There are reasons why you might lose your sense of smell even if you don't have a cold. Taste may not be diminished fully but there might be a decrease in smell with certain medical conditions.