

Do you need 2 snails to produce babies?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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yes you probably do because i don't see how a snail could be able to produce an egg cell unless there was another snail to provide the sperm, (fertilizer), for the egg.

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Q: Do you need 2 snails to produce babies?
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How do snails make babies?

when 2 snails love each other very much... when 2 snails love each other very much...

Do snails need a boy and a girl to have a baby?

The answer to that question would be yes and no. 1# snails in general have to mate. 2# snails are both male and female. 3# You should change the baby on your writing and change it to babies. Snails lay around 20 to 70 eggs. Once the babies hatch they eat the remains off their shell then eating dirt and constantly digging to the surface. After they reach the surface they then start eating plants and fruits of many kinds.

Do snails have babies?

Yes. If we are talking about land snails they lay eggs that they bury in soil in a warm most place. The eggs hatch usually in about 2 to 4 weeks.

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You need to moisturize the tank 2 times a day if it is a garden snail.

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A snails heart has 2 chambers.

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2 female because a boy and girl will just have babies, because they can at 3 months old. And a lot of times the babies that they produce will just eat eachother.

Can 2 snails be in 1 cage?

yes 2 snails may be in one cage... (just do not put salt on them..... (= ...........)

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There are different types of snails that could be used for racing. The largest snails often get used and weigh between 1 to 2 pounds at most.