

Best Answer

usually the doctor's will take a few xrays

before deciding on anything. If the xrays

show nothing than no, they will probably tell you to ice than heat and keep repeating it until the uncomfortable feeling goes away. But if the xrays

show concerning results they will most likely send you to a orthopedic (bone doctor). Hope this helps!

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Q: Do you need a cast if you bruised your elbow bone?
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For a bruised bone do you need to get surgery?

A "bruised bone" typically refers to bleeding that occurs under the tough fibrous covering of the bone called the periosteum. It heals very quickly, and anti-inflammatory medications, ice and rest can help.

I broken my arm and they did not put it in a sling is this right?

If you have a cast on, casts that go up to just below the elbow won't need a sling. If the cast is above the elbow, a sling is often uses but is not vital to heal the arm.

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Many things can cause bone pain. You might have stepped on something hard that bruised the bone. You might have arthritis. You might have pulled one of the big tendons that hold the heel bone in place. You'll need to see your doctor if the pain continues in order to determine what exactly is causing yours.

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First, the knee by itself cannot be put into a cast. Casting an arm won't help a leg, since the tibia is the inner and larger bone between the knee and the ankle. So the cast must go from above the knee to below the ankle.

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Take it to the hospital or doctor and find out

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If the tibia or fibula bone is fractured, they will need to be healed. A doctor will put the limb in a cast to help them heal.

Do you get a cast for a broken collar bone?

It depends. If you want a doctor to crack it so its straight again then you will need a cast after that.

Will a broken hand require surgery?

Not always only sometime like if your bone was sticking out or you diolated you bone but mostly you just need a cast and thats all.

What to do about chipped bone?

You can normally physically feel it , mine floats about and if by chance I lean my elbow on a table and the chip is in the right spot ,its really painful my MD says learn to live with it , I would like to get it removed ,, may seek a second opinion.

Do you need a cast for a chipped bone in the thumb?

You will either receive a hard or soft cast. Depending on your work environment as well as your daily routine.

If a fractured bone is supported by a brace or cast and you continue using it nature speeds up healing to meet the need for support?

If a fractured bone is supported by a brace or cast you should only use it lightly. Nature does not speed up the healing process if too much strain is placed on the broken bone.

Why do doctores put cast on an arm or leg that has been broken?

they need it to be protected and so it will put your bone back in place.